How you can study and forget all bad things

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Mohammad1232005, Jul 12, 2022.


Life loneless girl boy

  1. Anything

  2. How?

  1. Mohammad1232005

    Mohammad1232005 New Fapstronaut

    The biggest probleme face me now It's I have to study but I feel all things not important .I feel like the life is not important and nkw it's very aimless so i
    I Think if I die . It's better . Really it's very very unbeliveae and to be on light. I'm from 3 years a best student but since i love girl and she rejection i don't have a mean for life and even i forget the subject . I don't know why . And I wish to not happen this status to anyone in entire world . And for information i
    I m Arabican
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  2. Over time the bad feeling of rejection from the girl will go away. The feelings are bad right now, but they will go away.

    my opinion: go and do some physical exercise and eat healthy meals.

    also, try to not take things so seriously… enjoy little things like drinking a glass of water and thinking about how the water goes into your body and helps keep you alive
    Mohammad1232005 likes this.
  3. Mohammad1232005

    Mohammad1232005 New Fapstronaut

    Your talking like my dad talk about girl
    "Not take seriously"
    And i will do your advice
    Thank u
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