How to use nofap forum to find a girlfriend

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by pz15298, May 14, 2023.

  1. pz15298

    pz15298 Fapstronaut

    I see a lot of bad advice floating around, things like "just love yourself" "join clubs and meetups" "be patient and the right girl will come".

    But it also comes from bad questions. If you ask generic questions like "how to get dates" you will get generic advice.

    There are good rules of thumb of course, yes you need to love yourself, you need to be confident.. But I imagine most of you already know that. What you really want is step-by-step actionable steps that are tailored to your circumstances and what you want.

    Dating is a very personal thing. Everyone has a different journey and needs a different strategy.. which is why dating appears so hard. Because you try to apply generic advice to your situation. So my suggestion is ask very specific questions.

    I suggest you include as much information in your post as possible. Yes it's a sensitive and personal topic, but don't suffer in silence just because you are too embarrassed to open up.

    Here are some inspirations, I suggest when you post, include as much of the following as you feel comfortable sharing

    Your age, do you study/work, what do you study/work as, country, city (especially city size), where do you live in the city, your height and weight (can be estimate), fitness level, look, fashion style, personality type, your race, culture, the language(s) you speak, income level, hobbies, religion,

    Relationship wise: What is your past experience with girls and what type of girls, what are you most confident about yourself, what are you most insecure about yourself, do you know anyone who is good with girls, what do you think are your biggest roadblocks, what have you tried in the past, are there any youtuber/dating coaches you're subscribed to, are there any books on relationships you like, your relationship with porn and nofap,

    What do you want: What are you looking for? The nature of relationship (girlfriend, ons, fwb)? Who are you looking for? This can be an archetype or someone specific. What is their age, height, weight, education level, their fashion style or hair colour, their nationality, race, culture, personality type (outdoor/indoor, introvert/extrovert), view on sex, relationship and marriage, sexual experience, hobbies, occupation, income level...

    Do not say "I just want to be confident". We all know you want to be confident because that makes you attractive to the opposite sex. Do not say "I want to get good with all girls". To achieve success fast, focus on a type that you like and is most likely to be attracted to you.

    If you don't know what type of girls you want that's fine. In this case be ambitious and imagine your perfect girl.

    But as a bonus, here's a simple, actionable step you can do that works in every situation:

    In your friend group find the person who is best with girls and model him. Preferably this is someone with a similar circumstance as you and who likes the same type of girls as you, but this is not necessary. Open up to him and ask him for advice, completely drop your ego, take his advice unconditionally. Whatever he tells you to wear, wear it. Whatever he tells you to do, do it, even if it makes you feel uncomfortable. Dating is not up to random chance, there are predictable strategies that work better than others.
    Last edited: May 14, 2023
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