How to treat morning anxiety, headache, back pain ?

Discussion in 'Nutrition and Supplements' started by ecd, Jul 17, 2021.

  1. ecd

    ecd Fapstronaut

    Last year I've gradually stopped masturbation but after 4 years of addiction new problems have surfaced like autoimmune celiac disease affecting gut & nutrients deficiency, post orgasmic illness, morning anxiety affecting sleep, headache, backpain and more.
    Celiac is apparently lifelong but how to treat morning anxiety & disturbed sleep cycle & quality, headache and lower back pain ?
    Could a psychiatrist & SSRI help ? I don't want long term dependency on pills.
  2. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    So porn caused your problems?
  3. ecd

    ecd Fapstronaut

    Hi, I've been watching porn without masturbation for 20 yrs which might have contributed to my psychological problems. But 4-5 yrs back when I started masturbation it quickly became excessive addiction & I started getting physiological & physical problems in addition to psychological. Life went rapidly downhill. So it definitely have a role in my problems.
    bsdfj likes this.
  4. mentorr

    mentorr Fapstronaut

    I don't know if this is much help:

    I recently went back into a flatline and approximately a week in I experienced 1) lower back pain and 2) headaches. At 5-6 months into my current streak, I was almost certain that those symptoms were behind me. I also experienced morning insomnia, however it seemed to stop at around the 3-4 month mark. I think the point is, as random as the symptoms may be, they could very well be related to your recovery.
    jay3241 and ecd like this.
  5. mentorr

    mentorr Fapstronaut

    Yeah, that is what I am referring to. You could fall asleep at say midnight, and be absolutely exhausted, but regardless of how tired you are, you wake up at 6am sharp and cannot get back to sleep. I have no idea what it is actually called, but I call it morning insomnia. Is this what is happening to you?
  6. mentorr

    mentorr Fapstronaut

    I personally think it could be a mixture of things. I wouldn't have any coffee after 2pm in the afternoon and aim to have your last meal by 8pm if possible. What I found is that as time went on, I would wake up early, but then be able to fall asleep and catch slightly more sleep. Accept that you might wake up earlier than expected and aim to get to sleep before 11pm. If you do wake up early, see if you can get back to sleep. As you get deeper into your streak, you should notice that you sleep for longer and wake up slightly later.
    MindfulWarrior likes this.
  7. ecd

    ecd Fapstronaut

    yeah, I've same problem. I was thinking to go to a neurologist or psychiatrist, but perhaps I should wait if it gets better on its own.
  8. Ihearyou

    Ihearyou New Fapstronaut

    If you are concerned about your symptoms, it might be best to talk to a psychiatrist. They can explore different approaches beyond medication and help you find the right treatment plan.

    For issues like morning anxiety and sleep problems, therapy might be a good option for you. You can discuss your concerns and explore cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or mindfulness practices as potential solutions. And to ease your back pain, I recommend an aryse back brace. It helped me, too. Take care!
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2024
    Utatunah likes this.
  9. Brazilian Addict

    Brazilian Addict Fapstronaut

    Medication may help you a lot, dont be ashamed to take it, it was created to help people.
  10. jay3241

    jay3241 Fapstronaut

    go to a talk therapist. Never go the SSRI route. The withdrawals of SSRI are unimaginable
  11. Joseph Campbell

    Joseph Campbell Fapstronaut

    Aye, I can relate to the whole of your post, and I've found great relief in the root of an Indian and West African pepper plant called Ashwagandha. I just buy the root powder at a local store and mix it in tea, but there are easy capsule forms out there, and a good deal of western research on the potent cortisol-reducing potential of the stuff ( is a great meta-data supplement source)
  12. Joseph Campbell

    Joseph Campbell Fapstronaut

    Also, therapy's great. Sometimes takes a bit of work to find someone you mesh with, well worth it, if you have access.