How to kill libido in order to survive NoFap?

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by MyMyselfAndI, Sep 11, 2023.

  1. MyMyselfAndI

    MyMyselfAndI Fapstronaut

    Hello, guys!

    I have been struggling to remain on my reboot for more than 10 days at most and 5 days on average for a long long time now. Therefore I thought of an idea - killing my libido temporarily untill I do at least 30 days or maybe 60 days hard reboot. However, I was wondering in anyone here would have any experience doing this trick and some advices in implementing it?
  2. Wave tamer

    Wave tamer Fapstronaut

    A lot of antidepressants kill your libido but then you’ll become dependant on them. I couldn’t find many herbal remedies, maybe 5HTP would help a bit. My acting out isn’t always based around my libido though and it more of a way of escaping bad feelings. Cold showers give a dopamine release and can change your frame of mind sometimes
    fusion47 likes this.
  3. DeepRecovery

    DeepRecovery Fapstronaut

    You don't 'kill' it, it's more like training a wild animal so it listens to and obey you.
  4. Mara is back

    Mara is back Fapstronaut

    When I was younger I tried to "kill" it with self medication... It was NOT a good idea!
    In more recent times I've read some food and supplements can help to moderate it, but it's necessary to investigate if them have any interactions with medications you're taking or medical conditions you have. I strongly suggest you to consult a doctor before taking any supplements.

    What I read are:
    Camphor essential oil
    Marjoram essential oil
    Peppermint tea
    Chaste tree berries
    Saw Palmetto berries

    But I don't know what doses are recommended. Also, I DON'T KNOW IF THEY REALLY WORK!

    Currently I eat 1/2 cucumber when I've urges and it seems it can be helpful, BUT I don't know if it's real or only placebo effect!

    Regarding antidepressants, their effects varies depending on substance, dose, and how each person reacts. I take them. They don't make you dependent!, it's only they must be left gradually, but in fact it's possible to stop taking them. Antidepressants have specific uses and always must be indicated and monitored by a doctor.

    Best wishes
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2023
    Wave tamer and fusion47 like this.
  5. Heypleasehelpme

    Heypleasehelpme Fapstronaut

    Bannnans have cooling agent thats help really
    Wave tamer and Mara is back like this.
  6. Heypleasehelpme

    Heypleasehelpme Fapstronaut

    No libido no manileness.