How do you shave your pubes and avoid the itchiness afterwards?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Nov 26, 2023.

  1. I think I might need to shave my pubes. For some reason, the "region down there" starts to smell not even a day after showering. It's so bad that I can even smell it through my pants sometimes.

    It's definitely not an STD (as I have never been sexually active) nor is it something else (because I don't see any other changes). I'm generally more prone to sweat, and my armpits also start to smell bad as soon as just a couple hours after the shower.

    Nevertheless, would this be a legitimate reason to shave my pubes?

    Also, I shaved my pubes two times in my life. The first time was bloody awful and the itchiness was so bad that I couldn't sleep (it literally woke me up from sleep) and walk. It went away after 2 weeks.

    The second time I just trimmed my pubes. But still it hurt a fucking lot. This time it went away after one week.

    So how do you shave your pubes without all that itchiness?
  2. To shave my pubic area i have a razor that was designed for to shave that area. It is from Manscaped. Never had a problem with itchiness when using it.

    As for the smell down there, find some powder or creams that were designed for that area. I think Manscaped has some stuff but I prefer Chassis powder.