How Do I Start Working Out

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by rob13_, Feb 20, 2020.

  1. rob13_

    rob13_ Fapstronaut

    Hi all. I want to start working out to mske myself more confident, healthy, and have a better body.

    I'm 6 foot, 155 pounds and I want to start putting on muscle to have an awesome physique. But I dont have any idea where or how to start.

    Any advice for this noob?
    kaylee time and Espi1971 like this.
  2. Honestly just start with pushups and pull-ups. Perfect your form and work your way up to maybe 100 pushups or 50 pull-ups a day. Easily lift your own body weight then go from there
  3. rob13_

    rob13_ Fapstronaut

    Thanks maybe I should start slow like that
    Coffee Candy likes this.
  4. jack_hammer

    jack_hammer Fapstronaut

    Yes just do pushups,bo jackson and hershel walker were in the NFL and they never lifted,but you must do a lot of pushups a day!
    I think after 2 months youll start to notice changes
    Knighthawk, rob13_ and Espi1971 like this.
  5. Gorgewalker

    Gorgewalker Fapstronaut

    Don't overthink it. The most important thing is to built a consistent routine you can stick to, and if that means starting slow so be it. Make sure you include a wide range of exercises into your week, including cardio, but so long as you do that and don't take on too much at once there isn't that much you can do wrong. Do whatever you enjoy the most.
    Knighthawk, rob13_ and Espi1971 like this.
  6. Espi1971

    Espi1971 Fapstronaut

    @rob13_ I wish you success on your desired path toward the fit life.

    Everybody has his own way of working out, and there are tons of routines and advice via the Internet, so I personally think that whatever you choose to do is a step in the right direction.

    I incorporate pushups into every one of my workouts, and I like doing pullups, too. I also train with weights and do cardio, focusing on all of the major muscle groups: legs, midsection, back, shoulders, chest, arms.

    Also, I believe that nutrition is important. Study up and decide what's best for you.

    If you haven't already, I strongly suggest you join a gym.

    Above all: JUST DO IT.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2020
    Knighthawk and rob13_ like this.
  7. Do a ton of research because there's a lot of information out there. You won't learn it over night but just keep learning and you'll get there. Reddit is a good place to start.

    The three best exercises in my opinion are the push-up, pull-up, and squat. These target most of the largest muscle groups in your body, and they are easy to translate into weighted exercises (bench press, rows/weighted pull ups, and weighted squat). But if you want a well-rounded routine you will want to add something for shoulders, hamstrings, lower back, calves, and abs/obliques.

    Also, if you want to learn a fighting art, those will get you into good shape depending on where you go.

    One last piece of advice - humility will get you very far and keep you safe from injury. Don't try to lift more weight or do more reps than you can manage with good form. The one thing you should be focusing on at all times is form. So watch a lot of YouTube videos and try to mimic the experts - record yourself if you have to.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2020
    rob13_ likes this.
  8. rob13_

    rob13_ Fapstronaut

    Thanks guys, I'll make sure to take note and incorporate the advice you've given into my life. Working out is one of the best habits a man can form, so I'm excited to get started and reap the health and mental benefits.
  9. IsraelHands

    IsraelHands Fapstronaut

    I would agree with the last comments, the best work out is the one you enjoy and do.

    I got back into lifting again about 6 months ago and am now loving the big lifts I used to hate, overhead press / squat / deadlift.

    Dont wait too long doing bodyweight at home, find a gym, get out of the house, lift heavy things, meet people with the same idea as you, have fun!
    Coco99, rob13_ and Espi1971 like this.
  10. rob13_

    rob13_ Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the motivation can do
    Coco99 likes this.
  11. Candun

    Candun Fapstronaut

    Good youtube channel to learn would be Athlean-X.
    Deleted Account and rob13_ like this.
  12. Coco99

    Coco99 Fapstronaut

    what he said. lol. You have to find the love for it. Once you start going, you will start to build momentum. The first month or 2 you may have some days where you might not feel like going, but once you start noticing a change you start liking it.
  13. Deadlifts, bench presses, squats, shoulder presses and rows (or pull ups) are the only 5 exercises you need to hit every muscle in your body. Isolation exercises such as bicep curls and leg extensions are just bonuses that target specific muscles (for example, bicep curls target biceps only). The 5 listed exercises are compound exercises which means they target multiple muscles (for example, a bench press hits the triceps, shoulders and chest).
  14. rob13_

    rob13_ Fapstronaut

    Thank you