How can an introvert start self-development and find a beautiful girl?

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Artem_Russian, Mar 22, 2024.

  1. Artem_Russian

    Artem_Russian New Fapstronaut

    What advice can you give me regarding this? I am friendless and really want a girl, and for years I have been fighting that she doesn’t exist and no one loves me.
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  2. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    Every journey starts with the first step. Go out into the real world and start conversations with women that you find attractive or any woman who you think may talk with you. You are going to need a few topics of conversation to make it interesting. You could probably google or ask ChatGPT for advice on this.

    Good luck, and get out there today!
  3. WanderingKnight

    WanderingKnight New Fapstronaut

    Acknowledge your dream girl is dead or perhaps has never existed. Now go out and try to find her.

    Very helpful right? Not really lol.

    As someone hadnt had his first date until he was 25. I can understand how difficult it is especially if you have no one to turn to.

    First off ask you yourself: Would I date myself? If the answer is no. Then why would anyone date you?

    Now lets turn that no into a yes. Unironically start working out. If you're consistent and eat right (All you really need is tuna and eggs) you'll be surprised how quickly you get results. (I'm assuming you're not obese).

    Watch how you dress. Are you wearing the same clothes for days on end? Do these clothes have childish logos and graphics. If the answer is yes adjust your wardrobe to more plain colored clothes.

    Wash yourself. If you do not bathe regularly people are not going to want to be around you. Be like an American and shower and soap yourself everyday. Brush your teeth twice a day and floss. MAKE SURE TO SCRUB YOUR TONGUE. Wear a non scented deodorant. I see that you type in cyrillic so idk how your country works but amazon has sample packs you can get really cheap. Spray your neck ONCE don't bathe in cologne.

    Next hit the apps. Unfortunately our generation is extremely isolated and the most efficient and easy way to connect to someone is via an app. Don't be lovey dovey with any girl that decides to give you attention. Let her beg for the attention if she doesnt give it to you move on and don't look back. It's a numbers game. I had to talk to at least 150 girls before one finally gave me a chance. If you have access to bumble use that app because the female is required to message you first. If she messages first you win the first battle. Be aloof, reserved, and withdrawn. If she sends you a message do not reply instantly. Again let her work for your attention. Give it 15 to hour to reply. As you get more experienced you'll get the right number. Women like busy men. Don't info dump about your problems. Don't share to much information. Let them express themselves, remain as mysterious as you can. If they ask you about yourself answer, but unless its a really interesting story don't give them paragraphs.

    Oh and get a job too. Idk what the economic situation of your country so this may be harder than those who live somewhere.

    You'd be surprised how many lonely women are in this world, just as their is lonely men.

    All of this can be summed up to being a better person. Do these improvements for yourself not for anyone else. The moment you stop chasing a relationship and start focusing on yourself is when good things happens. You only live this life once, be the best you can be.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2024
    rachitmunjal likes this.
  4. Ninjutsu Jukai

    Ninjutsu Jukai Fapstronaut

    You need a good camera man. I am also in same situation. We can be each others camera man. But at the end of the day it all comes down to luck. Try your best. Hit gym. Have try to make buddies. Try to be a winner. If you are lucky you will be. But in this world wherever there is light there is darkness.