Hi. I'm a newbie.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by 836Quince, May 3, 2013.

  1. 836Quince

    836Quince New Fapstronaut

    My marriage is over after 20 years of using internet porn. I'm not too depressed at this time but am looking for ways to stop the habit. I've tried therapy. I'm going to go see a new therapist who specializes in sex addiction and i assume internet porn addiction. So how can I stay abstinent from porn? Anyone have a tried and true method. please let me know. Thanks!
  2. burnedandcrashed

    burnedandcrashed Fapstronaut

    My friendly advice, learning from more experience than I would like to have.(I'm not exactly an expert in staying sober.) Take this one day at a time. Remember you aren't alone. Don't be afraid to get up after you fall. Work with and be open with your therapist, join an addiction group if they suggest it.