Hi, i wan´t to quit

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by goodfellowmx, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. goodfellowmx

    goodfellowmx New Fapstronaut

    Hello my name is Ricardo,
    I think, like everyone here, I really enjoy masturbation. I have masturbated for years and always thought i will never give up on it.
    Just a few days ago I was thinking that I have two lives: one in which only think about sex, and one in which I am an innocent person. Obviously my public life is innocent life and don´t wan´t a double life.
    Many times I tried talking about this subject with other people, but I have not succeeded, I feel desperate; I think I will be rejected. I live in a very moralistic environment.
    I want to stop masturbating and watching pornography, I think they are the reason that I like men more and more, and it makes me to stay awake at night for hours so the next day i`m useless.

    Thanks, I hope to meet this challenge.
