Hi everyone

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by KOMKOMMER, Jan 5, 2024.


    KOMKOMMER New Fapstronaut

    I have been watching porn daily since I was about 10 years old, and have thus been addicted for 8 years. Haven't been off porn for more than 10 days in this period. Really want to quit watching porn, cuz I have sunken in to the more depraved parts of it.
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    KOMKOMMER New Fapstronaut

    Could use some tips

    1. The first tip I would suggest you to do is to get a porn and erotic blocker on both your phone and computer. The harder it will be for you to access those sites, the less effort you'll put trying to access them since it will be more or less impossible.

    2. Stay away from all triggers, like social media for example. Social medias today has garbage filtering and people are able to upload things that could count as porngraphic material in my opinion. I had to uninstall Instagram myself because some of the content made me MOing.

    3. Stay active or distracted, do things you really enjoy in life and even though the urges will come, you need to be strong and say to yourself "No, I'm better than this!", and keep on doing what you do. I know it can be hard as hell but the more time you put on things you really enjoy in life and less of porn watching, the better it will be for you brain reboot and your brain will learn to enjoy other things again.

    4. If you feel strong urges and doing things you enjoy in life doesn't help, try to either call someone close to you or just hang out with them for some good times. Because even though you still have urges to watch porn, I'm sure you won't watch it in their company.

    These are some tips I can give you, hopefully some of them can help you to ease the urges from watching porn. Keep fighting the good fight against your addiction, it will be worth it!
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