Hi, 41 year old new fapstronaut

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by bohemian fapstopy, May 8, 2015.

  1. bohemian fapstopy

    bohemian fapstopy New Fapstronaut

    Hello All,

    I've looked at this website and you tube videos about the affect of Porn and have realised how much my addiction has held me back in life.
    Saying that, I've been lucky. I have a good job, wonderful wife and family but despite this I shudder to think of the pointless hours, days months and years I've wasted on this addiction. I've tried in vain to give up many times before but for most years didn't even consider that I had a problem.
    Finally I'm having some success at giving up - Last PMO on 20th April. Thats 18 days now and by far the longest ever. I have a determination this time that I've never had before as I realised that my promise to myself when I turned 40 to give up was ineffective and that there have literally been 100s of similar promises to myself over the years. I can't get the wasted time back but I don't want to waste anymore.
    Another reason to give up has been the brain fog, as described in the videos and many posts I've read in the forums. This has got so bad recently that I realised I was struggling with my job and was possibly getting to the point of getting in serious trouble at work due to my lack of concentration.
    This is so far starting to reverse and my mind is definitely getting clearer and I'm more focused.
    It's not easy though, the urges sometimes are strong but the urges to change are, so far, even stronger.
    I'm not in hardmode and my wife doesn't know about my attempts to give up but she's probably noticed cheanges, although she's not said anything yet.
    Anyway, enough rambling for now.
    This site seems very supportive and a great resource, hoping to get more out of it and to give something back if I can,

    Seeker19 likes this.
  2. Seeker19

    Seeker19 Fapstronaut

    Proud of you, sir!
    Im just 19 years old here.
    Its great that you are making such a strong effort to change your life.
    All the best!
    Hope you succeed.
    Im sure your wife is silently happy with the changes she sees in you.
    Keep it that way.
    Stay strong!
  3. Seeker19

    Seeker19 Fapstronaut

    Proud of you, sir!
    Im just 19 years old here.
    Its great that you are making such a strong effort to change your life.
    All the best!
    Hope you succeed.
    Im sure your wife is silently happy with the changes she sees in you.
    Keep it that way.
    Stay strong!
  4. Seeker19

    Seeker19 Fapstronaut

    Proud of you, sir!
    Im just 19 years old here.
    Its great that you are making such a strong effort to change your life.
    All the best!
    Hope you succeed.
    Im sure your wife is silently happy with the changes she sees in you.
    Keep it that way.
    Stay strong!