Hey, I'm new

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by ZenPhysics, Jan 10, 2017.

  1. ZenPhysics

    ZenPhysics Fapstronaut


    My name is Kohei. I'm 21 years old and I currently go to a Japanese university. I've never had experience with this kind of forum website so I'm still unsure of how much of myself I should share, but please let me explain my problems and relationship with PMO.

    I was first exposed to internet porn when I was 11 or 12. A few years from that point on I would occasionally masturbate with a certain degree of guilt. By the time I entered high school(age 15-16) the frequency had risen, probably because I learned that fapping was not an uncommon activity, and I started telling myself it was OK to be 'a tad hornier' than others.

    Almost 3 years have passed since I joined uni(at age 18), and my addiction has escalated to 2-3 times a day (even 5-6 on weekends). By now I've found certain patterns in my addiction: I tend to relieve myself whenever I've had a long session of studying or excercise, and it gets worse on days when I have no drive to study or go outside. I know that the best solution is to stay immersed in whatever I have to/like to do, and I've also tried many times to resist the urge, but I always relapse in no more than a day.

    I also wonder if this is related to the fact I've never been in a relationship with a girl(I'm still a virgin). Although I find this 'no-girlfriend situation' less bothering(easier to take my mind off of), I do occasionally get frustrated, and I can't help feeling it's connected with my PMO addiction. This is a topic I hope I can discuss and learn more about from others on this website.

    I'm hoping this experience of sharing my thoughts/life with you guys can help me in a new, different way. I might try writing a journal too if I can.


    Last edited: Jan 10, 2017
  2. Tiny antelope

    Tiny antelope Fapstronaut

    Welcome!!! It's great to have you here.
    Thanks so much for telling your story.
    Your free to share as much, or as little as you like here.
    I have found keeping a journal really helpful, but you have to find what works best for you.
    Look forward to reading more from you. Best of luck :)
    D . J . and AndySky180 like this.
  3. ZenPhysics

    ZenPhysics Fapstronaut

    Thanks! I've never discussed this issue with anyone before(just reading posts and stuff), so it feels great to receive direct words of encouragement. It really means a lot!
    I will most certainly start a journal (since I haven't found different methods yet) and see how it works for me. Wish you luck too :)
    D . J ., Tiny antelope and AndySky180 like this.
  4. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and not judge you.

    Your situation has nothing to do with being a virgin and everything to do with the addictiveness of porn and masturbation.
    Tiny antelope and ZenPhysics like this.
  5. ZenPhysics

    ZenPhysics Fapstronaut

    I've always had a faint idea that my PMO issues partially attribute to the lack of an intimate partner, so your words are both surprising and reassuring. ATM I'm fairly comfortable with being single, but I'm sure this idea will help me along the way.
    Thanks D.J. !
    Tiny antelope, D . J . and AndySky180 like this.
  6. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    What are your current strategies for combating the enemy called PMO?
    Tiny antelope likes this.
  7. ZenPhysics

    ZenPhysics Fapstronaut

    Thanks for asking,

    There is one strategy I've been using for a while that helps limit my degree of PMO immersion per day, and that is studying at my university library till late. This more of a habit than a conscious method, and it merely reduces the M/O frequency. It sometimes even leads to a condensed, intense session of PMO soon after returning home.

    Recently I've started a couple of methods, which include turning off my LINE notifications(LINE is a popular SMS tool in JPN), and doing some bodyweight training right before taking a bath(one of the moments of the day I tend to treat my urge). The former method may not be directly related to PMO but it sure does enhance my concentration. However I don't know yet how these actions will affect me in the long run.

    That's pretty much it. Oh and I've started keeping a log of my reboot. Day 1 almost over.
    Tiny antelope and AndySky180 like this.
  8. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Place a link here so that me and others can follow.

    Check out In Case You Didn't Know for additional strategies.
    Tiny antelope likes this.
  9. ZenPhysics

    ZenPhysics Fapstronaut

    Tiny antelope and AndySky180 like this.
  10. DiogoFSantos

    DiogoFSantos Fapstronaut

  11. ZenPhysics

    ZenPhysics Fapstronaut