Here's to hoping this community helps.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by triazo, Apr 14, 2013.

  1. triazo

    triazo Fapstronaut

    Hello, I've been following /r/nofap subreddit since last september, without posting, in the hopes that I would be able to pull off nofap on my own, by reading through the posts there. It has become clear that I can not. As one of my major sources of procrastination, and therefore one of my major causes of faping, I have blocked reddit on my computer, which is why I'm posting here, and want to help support this forum.

    I am 17 years old, and have been fapping frequently since age 15. Unlike many of the people trying this, looking at porn has never directly been a problem for me. Instead, I would just fap before bed, when waking up, but always in bed. Recently (this past year) I've realized that my life really does benefit greatly from nofap, but other than my longest streak of 20 days, I haven't been able to last over a week.

    I'm hoping that becoming an active member of this nofap community will help me jump over the hurdle and complete the challenge that nofap presents.
  2. mike

    mike New Fapstronaut

    I think I'm going to join you in giving up reddit. It's been draining hours out of my day, which I could have used far more productively.

    Porn has never been a big issue for me, either. For whatever reason, the vast majority of it hardly appealed to me.

    Anyway, good luck in the challenge.
  3. triazo

    triazo Fapstronaut

    Well, at least I was able to make it to almost two days. Time to start again, and go longer this time. It shouldn't be too hard to pass two days.
  4. Fapstroknot

    Fapstroknot Fapstronaut

    In my opinion, the first week has always been the hardest. Someone on /r/noFap made a survey about what week of nofap they thought was the toughest. Week 1 had the majority of the vote. The more you know ~*
  5. triazo

    triazo Fapstronaut

    It would be interesting to graph out the number of days somebody lasts vs the frequency of people lasting that long. Somewhere I remember seeing a pie chart that had something similar. I remember that each day of the first week was as big as each of the later weeks, each of which were as big as the later months. I guess the longer you go for, the less likely you will fail on any given day. Not to say you are less likely to fail at all, but maybe the pressure becomes less. I do remember observing that on that one time when I went for twenty days; I diddn't feel nearly as much of an urge.
  6. Fapstroknot

    Fapstroknot Fapstronaut

    I think your body naturally adapts to the cravings. I think the first week is the hardest cause youre experiencing withdrawl. I am hoping to complete the 90 day challenge this time... I am certainly not a newbie but I feel like one cause I have failed so many times already. Day 9 here I come. :)