
Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Superb_Individual237, Apr 12, 2013.

  1. Superb_Individual237

    Superb_Individual237 Fapstronaut

    I found this site through the subreddit NoFap
    Here was the introduction that I wrote for them.

    I'm new to both Reddit and NoFap. I lurked around on Reddit for a bit but never bother to make an account. I am totally new to how the whole Reddit system works. One of the main reason I made an account is actually to join THIS community. The other is to join a community where that will keep me accountable for my workouts. (Do you guys recommend anything?) I'm in the middle of changing my life.
    This whole journey got started for me when I was looking into ways to increase my energy level. No fapping was recommend, so I decided to try it. I would go through a few cycles of 5-7 days of no fapping then rebounding for a couple days, usually 3. The longest I gotten was about 12 days.
    I started to realize I might have a porn addiction... This has NEVER occurred to me! It wasn't even a possibility. But I guess it makes sense I started around 6 grade (so 10-11 yrs old?) and now I'm almost 23.
    Either ways I'm real excited for this. I see myself as pretty introverted so I've never shared anything deep or personal with people much. I think joining this community will be a good thing. I was looking through the 'glossary' section and 'chaser effect, the surge, and flatlining' are all things that I have personally experienced. It's kind of cool to know that others have experience the same thing and I'm not alone in this.
    So the reason I'm doing going to give up Fapping is because I'm trying to change myself. 1) It's like a spirtual journey for me. I'm rebooting my mind (not being gutter mind or thinking about sex all the time), my body, (getting my testosterone level normal again) and that all leads into cleansing my 'spirit'. PM me if you want to talk about me more. 2) It will give me more energy. I want to change my body also and I'm going to use this extra energy to put into working out. 3) It will force me/ give me more incentive to talk to girls.
    Yesterday was day 1. My goals are 1 week, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days. After that I don't know but I'll update you guys.
    Well wish me luck!
  2. Fapstroknot

    Fapstroknot Fapstronaut

    hello superb! I always attempt for 90 days. That's the only way to ensure I don't go on binges. Good luck on your journey!