Hello. My first day.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Cremuel, Jun 6, 2022.

  1. Cremuel

    Cremuel Fapstronaut


    I’m new and and wanted to give a bit of an intro. About five years ago, I converted to Catholicism. Before then, I firmly believed that porn and masturbation were normal and great. But after understanding how my obsession with it affected the way I looked at people, I’ve gradually come to recognize both p and m as a problem for me. I’m also now a father with three daughters and simply don’t want to engage in this kind of behavior anywhere even remotely nearby. After reading some posts from this site, I also began to notice how my mood and outlook were altered by p&m, and how much better I felt when I was abstaining. In particular, I’ve noticed that I have more genuine compassion for other people, family included, when I don’t indulge. With just confession, I seem to have managed to steer clear of porn and have so for quite a few months now. But the m is another story, and I always seem to break my streak for some reason or another—usually I end up convincing myself that it’s all just okay and totally normal. I am hoping that with the support of a community to whom I hope to check in with on a weekly basis that I’ll be able to stay clean longer. I’m somewhat older (42) and also a recovered alcoholic, and I’m no stranger to managing my addictions. I’m looking forward to this forum because it’s nice to have a safe, anonymous place to talk about these things with people who feel similarly. Today is June 6, which is my first official NoFap day… here’s to keeping it going.Thanks everyone.
    ravenclaw99 and ThinkSmarter like this.
  2. ThinkSmarter

    ThinkSmarter Fapstronaut

    Welcome, I bet you felt relieved after sharing your story with others, especially in this group where people can understand you! Its good that you found the motivation to quit watching those kind of videos! I am also new here and even though we are in different ages I am hoping to help you by giving an advice that seems to work for me, don't think about it too much during the day, do other things (physical and mental) that you enjoy, your hobbies or find one if you don't have any, workout and generally spend your free time wisely, give time to what's going to be WORTH in the long run! Also congruts on quiting alcohol! As you also said you have experience dealing with addictions, so find the strength you KNOW you have quiting one more! Don't give in, recall how much it has harmed you in the past and think of who you want to be in the future! Find the motivation you need! Do it for both YOU and your DAUGHTERS!
  3. ravenclaw99

    ravenclaw99 Fapstronaut

    I just joined myself and happen to be in a similar life situation. Not a recovering alcoholic, but a recovering gambling addict. Thanks for sharing.