Haven't been this physically active since I was 8... I feel great

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by Mr. Prince, Sep 27, 2023.

  1. Mr. Prince

    Mr. Prince Fapstronaut

    Alongside my NF journey, I've been working out 6 days a week. I've been overweight since puberty. I'm wide framed, was 216 lbs during high school, and this year I peaked at 280 lbs. When I saw that number on the scale I got real upset... Just 20 lbs away from 300. I've tried many times to lose weight since middle school but it'd just give up and be too afraid to even try. Like I was gonna be made fun of for even trying. I've always been self conscious. But as I'm now entering the 2nd month of a stable workout routine, I feel so good. I'm so unsure about life in a ton of ways. So having something to feel sure about is so therapeutic. I feel like I can actually do this. My arms are already firming up and bulking. I've gone from 280 lbs to 260 lbs! My first goal is to get to 230lbs, then back to my high school 216 lbs. Heck, I bet if I can just lose the fat I may already have some nice muscles under there! I never even dared to dream as a kid that I could be fit or muscular. I'm incredibly shy and socially anxious, shout out to my bro's reading this who cringe when others say "boys aren't shy" and stuff along those lines. Generalizing and stereotyping men is seemingly okay in this society. But you're not alone. Let's fight the bad out there together.

    Godspeed my friends.
  2. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    Nice! I do HIIT to lose fat. but I'm just lucky to be a lean gene person. My whole gym time has been bulking lol.
    What's worked for you to drop 20lbs?