Happy 01 - 01 - 2024 DAY 1! I Bet I make a Longer streak than you! /Taunt!!! Lets go

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by Azekah, Jan 1, 2024.

  1. Azekah

    Azekah Fapstronaut

    Started PMO-ing habit 25 years ago. Now i am going to show myself what kind of woon i am cut out.

    Goodluck everytone!

    If you crave PORN - FOCUS ON YOUR BREATH. Sounds a little weird maybe but read into Vipassana Meditation. Neuroplasticity -> create new habit and feel the sensation of your breath. Rewarded by serotonine's after and while meditation! You can focus breath everywhere. Everytime you get PMO thoughts, try to focus on your breathing. Dont force, just observe how the air enters your nose, your belly increase, en decrease and where the airflow leaves. It works as a tool. I am going to use this technique as a tool.
    Fighter_mode and rave.flower like this.
  2. Azekah

    Azekah Fapstronaut

    My brain ain't used to meditate. Yesterday i did it for 15 minutes and focussing on obersving my breath. After a while my brain got anxiety and panic because i got bored and i wanted to grab my phone for watching some youtube video's passively. I made the mindfull decision to keep meditating. So i was fighting my own impulses//thoughts. I felt something change in my front part of the brain. Maybe this is good to train willpower and focus.

    Going to meditate multiple times a day now. I aimed to meditate for an hour but i couldnt keep that up with the mental state of (no)discipline i am at this moment. Edging and PMO so often as i i did ruined/condtioned alot in a negative way. I feel with Vipassana i can work againt PMO and create a calm mind.

    I want to consciously choose everything i do. Every activity i go i want to make the decision i want to do it. Gonna try be mindfull all the time about impulses. overthink why i want to grab my phone and scroll youtube etc. It must be emptyness and lack of purpose that moment.
    Like grabbing a smoke or a whiskey or a PMO session...... So medication is the mindfull opposite of following habits urges cravings impulses and other thoughts mindlessly!

    Mindfullness vs Mindlessly
    Bigman_ likes this.