Happily married people

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Life_of_Socrates_777, Mar 12, 2024.

  1. Life_of_Socrates_777

    Life_of_Socrates_777 Fapstronaut

    Who here is married? I am engaged to be married... it will be my 2nd marriage, but my first marriage that is post-recovery/sobriety. Largely part of the reason why my first marriage fell apart was because of my porn use/addiction. I guess I'd like to hear from anyone who is married happily* or anyone who has a supportive spouse. My fiancée knows about my past, and we are extremely open with one another. It's definitely real this time, and this is definitely it. What is the dynamic of your relationship, your sex life, kids, highs and lows, temptations, ... Is s/he an "accountability partner"? Assuming you have a filter, can s/he see your screenshots or reports? If you slip, do you tell him/her? Does a sexual relationship with your person trigger your craving for solitary vice?

    If there is any spouse of the afflicted who happens to be reading this, feel free to chime in about you navigate this tricky addiction.

    Curious how this will all work out and what it might look like in my future. Btw, she and I are both waiting for marriage until sex, and I have not acted out in quite some time. I can only guess as to what to expect.

    Thanks for reading