Grand Theft Auto 6

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by UnholyConfessor, Dec 1, 2023.

  1. So it's finally happening. If you'd have told me back when 5 came out that it would be ten years before 6 was even announced, I wouldn't have believed it.


    We're going back to Vice City. Two protagonists, a man and a woman. There have been some other leaks but I haven't seen them all. Is anyone else interested in this game?
  2. I'm interested simply because I've been waiting a long ass time for it. Definitely interested in what they come up with for a story and of course what the gore/action will be like in the game. If it's anything like RDR2 in terms of quality, I'm probably going to buy it.
    GTR900 and En?gmatic like this.
  3. Honestly I was disappointed by RDR2. High quality game but I didn't like the story or the changes to gameplay. My favourite Rockstar game is GTA 4.
    En?gmatic likes this.
  4. Yeah GTA Online is awful. I have no idea why it's so popular when it takes like ten minutes to even boot up.
    En?gmatic likes this.
  5. Jason and Lucia, based on the leaks. Apparently they are dating but that's not confirmed.

    En?gmatic likes this.
  6. I had never played RDR so I wouldn't know about the changes in gameplay or story. I personally didn't mind Arthur's story; In a way I kind of identified with him in terms of love lost and feeling out of place in a society that is rapidly changing.
    En?gmatic likes this.
  7. En?gmatic

    En?gmatic Fapstronaut

    Just play skyrim, it’s been more than 10 years for skyrim and you still play it! Todd wants you to play it in eternal and no, there will not be a Skyrim 2 because Skyrim is enough for you.

    btw I don’t wait games anymore :), the new gta seems cool but honestly I didn’t liked RDR2 (while loved RDR1), many details and of course amazing game but didn’t liked it for some reasons…perhaps rdr1 was magic. And I’ve played Gta5 just for the story then leave it forever after I’ve completed the game.
  8. I don't like the core system, it's just busywork designed to slow everything down and in general the game's pacing is glacial. It felt like part of the recent trend for games to be "cinematic" rather than actually fun to play. The story is illogical and a lot of the events in it only happen because the characters are stupid - in reality somebody would have just shot Micah way earlier.
  9. Yeah, I give you that on the Micah part :emoji_sweat_smile:
  10. En?gmatic

    En?gmatic Fapstronaut

    the only thing that I really liked is
    being able to play with John Marston after rdr2 final and gave you rdr1 vibes, even if you couldn’t explore Mexico :(
  11. Prophet Harry

    Prophet Harry Fapstronaut

    I'm excited for the gta 6 trailer tomorrow!
  12. The map of RDR2 is fantastic and beautiful but not really all that fun to explore imo. When the shooting is so slow and clunky and even performing basic tasks involves a million menus, it makes the game a chore.
  13. I'm interested to see what the game looks like after 10 years in development. Better not be underwhelming...
    Prophet Harry likes this.
  14. Leanmaxxing

    Leanmaxxing Fapstronaut

    I was still in high school when gta 5 came out. Now I’m about to be 27. Lookng forward for the gta 7 trailer when I’m 40.
  15. I feel that way about TES 6. I was 16 when Skyrim came out and by the time the next one comes out I'll be in my 30's. And based on Bethesda's recent track record the game will be trash anyway.
  16. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    I tried RDR2 for about a week and just didn't find it very fun to play. I wasn't even super thrilled with GTA 5. Lately I've been playing Diablo 4, Street Fighter 5, and Streets of Rage 4.
  17. Honestly Rockstar games have always been overrated. They are clunky as hell, full of weird choices, unbalanced difficulty etc. They are so popular I think because of the idea of the games, not the execution. Same as games like Skyrim. That was part of the reason why I didn't like RDR2 either, you're supposedly in a super badass gang of hardened criminals yet you are constantly whining about being a bad guy like a mopey emo. I don't care about deconstructions of the genre, I want to rob banks, burn down towns and tie people to railroad tracks for shits and giggles. If I wanted more than that I'd read a book written by an actual author. In a lot of ways, RDR2 is just Blood Meridian but worse.
  18. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I hear you. I've been told bh several people that you can do a lot of really cool stuff in RDR2, but I lost interest before I got there. There are just too many other games that have cool stuff to do right off the bat, like Fallout 4. LOVE Fallout 4!! But someone said you can throw people in a crocodile pit, and I really wanted to do that, but yeah, again....just lost jnterest.
  19. I loved GTA 3. My favorite thing to do was get in a car and listen to classical music as I ran over people on crowded sidewalks. I was kind of pissed they removed the classical music station.
    Semtex likes this.
  20. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    I liked Liberty City Stories, but Vice City is my all time favorite GTA game.
    Prophet Harry likes this.