google plans to prevent a republican victory in 2020

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by brilliantidiot, Jun 25, 2019.

  1. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

  2. Corporations interfering with elections?
    Artificial intelligence being implemented?
    Fake news?

    Skynet is ready. Are you?
  3. These people are morons. Nobody really voted FOR Trump... they voted against these two-faced monsters who appose him. Crap like this, will GUARANTEE he wins again. I really hope he wins again. I'm not even American, I just want to see more SJWs cry lol.
    Get_It, Xhiddy, Just done and 5 others like this.
  4. This is not particularly surprising. Google is one the most important arms of the leftist progressive octopus. Google, YouTube, Facebook, etc. dedicate themselves to erasing all trace of dissent. For them, it is of critical importance that all alternative points of view be silenced, so that dissenters feel like they're alone and helpless. This is the essence of totalitarianism.

    There is no lie that they won't tell to advance their agenda, there is no line which they won't cross in their fight to secure all power for the Democratic Party.

    Don't be surprised when this comes to NoFap. Google, etc and their congressional pets will start demanding that some fapstronauts be banned for "colluding with Russians" or something.

    Again, that's the nature of totalitarianism.

    The picture wouldn't be so depressing if the Republicans weren't such a pathetic excuse for an opposition party. If the Democrats were able to restrain the totalitarian, bigoted, paranoid, and violent elements in their party, they could wipe the floor with the Republicans in a fair election.

    Those people believe in nothing besides stuffing their own pockets. Can anyone tell me what these so-called conservatives have conserved?

    Whether Mr O'Keefe has gotten the particulars of the story correct doesn't really matter. I've no doubt whatever that all the above entities will use every weapon at their disposal to ensure the Democrats' victory in 2020.
  5. Absolutely. Come 2020, I certainly won't be voting for the appalling Mr.Trump, but against whatever despicable caricature of human decency the Democrats vomit up. BTW, I saw another clip of progressives raging and/or in tears over the Trump victory the other day. I couldn't stop laughing.
  6. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    The main thing is to make sure this gets around even while google (youtube etc.) and the msm stymie it. Post it everywhere you've got an account :D (and watch them take it down lol).
    Eoghan mac Phádraig likes this.
  7. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    Do you think google should be broken up?
    vxlccm and Mr. McMarty like this.
  8. Without the slightest doubt. They present their product as this century's equivalent of the telephone. So be it. If they're a 21st-century utility...well we know what happened to Ma Bell, don't we?
    brilliantidiot likes this.
  9. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

  10. LOL. This is why I voted for trump. Trump is a scumbag politician just like the rest of them but i love watching him troll SJWs.
    Hros, MLMVSS and Deleted Account like this.
  11. There are still Republicans? I couldn't tell with all the tariffs I've been paying.
    vxlccm and Deleted Account like this.
  12. Absolute nonsense. Google doesn't give a damn who's at power as long as they're not regulated and don't have to pay much in tax. The website and the article reek of the WeRe beInG SileNCed narrative pushed by alt right trolls who break TOS and scream censorship after being rightfully banned.
  13. Is that quoted from The New York Times or MSNBC?
    vxlccm, Hros, Deleted Account and 2 others like this.
  14. [​IMG]
  15. @Gaius Julius Caesar drew first blood! No war but meme war! This thread is doomed! Mutually assured distruction!
  16. I have no idea what this means, other than 'I disagree.'
    vxlccm and Deleted Account like this.
  17. *taps softly plays as a flag draped casket is carried from the plane.

    A senseless casualty of the meme war.
    vxlccm and Eoghan mac Phádraig like this.
  18. You probably use the word nazi to supress other people's rights to free speech and fail to see the irony in that. This isn't alt-right...maybe you're projecting? That's all SJWs do...over compensate for the things they hate about themselves and then project it onto other people.

    What's that quote from the Marxist manifesto? Something alone the lines of, "call your enemies fascist...associate them with an already bad smell."

    The year is 1934 again, but this time, the brownshirts are all a bunch of "nice guys" with white messiah syndrome.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2019
    Get_It and Deleted Account like this.
  19. The left can't meme.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2019
  20. They're OBVIOUSLY our intellectual superiors:rolleyes: