Goodbye to Fapping

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by theloneone, Jul 18, 2013.

  1. theloneone

    theloneone New Fapstronaut


    As with most men, I got into fapping early and have not stopped since. Recently porn came into the picture as it does, and while I wouldn't say I have a problem, I have noticed how it could get addicting if I wasn't careful. For instance, one sex scene might be really hot, but there will always be one that is hotter. It's a never ending game to top the last high for me sometimes. And that could get destructive.

    I also recently began to become more serious about my Catholic religion, and I don't think I can reconcile trying to be a good Catholic while at the same time fapping to porn at night. So, tonight I give one last hurrah! My laptop leaves for a one to two week of repairs tomorrow so I figured tonight would be the perfect night to begin my journey.

    Thank you guys and wish me luck.