Gonna do it...

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by BullseyeChris, Apr 23, 2013.

  1. BullseyeChris

    BullseyeChris Fapstronaut

    Hey, guys. Newbie here. Am familiar with YBOP and the reboot idea, etc. want to try to go for it! I have tried and failed many times in the past. Thought having a support and accountability community like this could help.

    I am in my 30s and was exposed to and have been fapping to porn (magazines at first) since I was abt 8. It was already a habit for me well before puberty, as sad as that is. I used it as an escape when I was feeling insecure or some other negative feeling. I was/am a devout Christian, so there has always been an internal battle w/in me over it (the porn specifically), feeling that it is wrong due to its portrayal of sexual immorality and how it degrades and objectifies both women and men. I am single, so I'm not having sex, but I still have a sex drive and I want to learn to faithfully sublimate it towards good things and healthy self-improvement and nurture. Like my friend said, "You're in charge of your penis; your penis shouldn't be in charge of you."

    So, I want to gain self-control in this area, better address the root issues that lead me to act out sexually to escape from them, and live more consistently with my morals. So that's why I'm here. And to become the awesome stud I am meant to be; a guy who appreciates but is in control of his sexual faculties, and who uses that fire in his belly for good and not for evil. ;)
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2013
  2. Welcome!

    You're gonna do it!
    keep going with that kinda motivation!:D
  3. BullseyeChris

    BullseyeChris Fapstronaut
