Getting back to running

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by freedom is coming, Nov 20, 2022.

  1. freedom is coming

    freedom is coming Fapstronaut

    I went back to parkrun on 29 October. First time since 22 Feb 2020 (running) and 29th Feb (volunteer).

    I think this is an important step of recovery. It gives me another goal. I'm aiming to get under 25 minutes for 5K, and frankly I don't care if it takes me until I'm 40 (6 years) or 50.

    It's funny how nofap and other challenges go hand-in-hand. Standing at the start line I was as scared as I was about starting Day 1 of nofap. How would it look? How would I cope? But I just cracked on with a slow but comfortable pace with the aim of getting to the finish line without stopping.

    I started journalling while on this journey, and it's made a huge difference. I'm now actually doing that with my runs. Recording the date, time, distance, aims, how it felt and things to work on for next time. Bear in mind, I have done a few half marathons and a couple of marathons. So while I have always been thinking about how to improve (and boring my wife at the same time), there is something crucial about writing it down and seeing that progress... Which isn't always about the timestamp.

    I'm 34. On the 29th I ran without my watch. I used strava on my phone and had that away in my running belt. I ran it by feel, listening to my body. I haven't used my watch since. Listening to my body is crucial. In nofap the same is true.

    In some ways running increases temptations. Yesterday afternoon I was triggered because of the energy boost. But at the same time, I know that it is necessary for my mental health, which reduces temptations in the week as well.

    I can't go to Parkrun next weekend, but I've arranged a run with a friend during the week. My nofap journey has been easier for this community. My 5K at parkrun is far easier than a 5K at home on my own. But I will get there and learn the self-discipline to do it from home too.
  2. davewhite

    davewhite New Fapstronaut

  3. GrittyRunning

    GrittyRunning Fapstronaut

    I'm recently getting back inro serious running. The last two years of life for me had me so busy with work that I couldnt devote as much time as I wanted, but now I am getting back into the regimented routine of getting my mileage back up again and also doing speed work.
  4. mariniteish

    mariniteish Fapstronaut

    Good luck to you! I did one 1/2 marathon in 2019 but I think I'm mostly done with running. wish I could run more but it just hurts too much other then little 1 mile runs here and there.
  5. GrittyRunning

    GrittyRunning Fapstronaut

    Are you overweight?
  6. boston08

    boston08 Fapstronaut

    Im on my 3rd day PMO Had all this energy.
    So thought i was a good idea to turn up my treadmill pace and incline.... i only doing 1.5 mi and damn what was i thinking by increasing pace and incline. out of breath and too much.
    i will curb my enthusiasm a bit today lol
  7. mariniteish

    mariniteish Fapstronaut

    not really. I am 6'2" 225lbs fairly muscular. don't think I'm meant to be a runner. especially on pavement. not to mention 35 years of playing sports has taken a toll on the knees and hips.
    GrittyRunning likes this.
  8. GrittyRunning

    GrittyRunning Fapstronaut

    I'm recovering from a calf muscle strain from Thanksgiving day 10k race. Thankfully i don't think it was too serious but it did knock me out of training for a few weeks.
  9. Eritede

    Eritede Fapstronaut

    I plan to start running next month, hope I'll do that :)
    DonaldShow likes this.
  10. GrittyRunning

    GrittyRunning Fapstronaut

    I’m back to running pain free again. Luckily my calf strain wasn’t too serious.
  11. AlexBarkat

    AlexBarkat New Fapstronaut

    It's amazing how running at parkrun is not just about the physical challenge but also a mental journey similar to other personal challenges. Journaling your runs is a brilliant idea; it's fantastic to see your progress written down, isn't it? If you're keen on more tips or insights into optimizing your runs and overall fitness journey, you might find some valuable resources at Fitness Own. They cover a wide range of fitness aspects, from training techniques to mental health benefits. Keep up the awesome work and keep pushing towards those goals, whether it's in running or your personal journey.
  12. xuledywo

    xuledywo Fapstronaut

    It's inspiring to see the parallels you draw between challenges like nofap and running. The commitment to self-improvement and the courage to face uncertainties resonate in both aspects of your life. Your approach to running without a watch, listening to your body, and documenting your progress reflects a mindful and holistic perspective. The act of journaling not only aids your physical goals but also contributes positively to your mental well-being. The recognition of the dual nature of running, both as a source of energy and potential temptation, showcases your awareness and balance in integrating it into your life. Building self-discipline is a gradual process, and your commitment to learning and growing, both in running and nofap, is commendable. Wishing you continued success on your journey, both in achieving your 5K goal and in the broader aspects of personal development. Keep pushing forward, and remember that progress is about the journey, not just the destination.
  13. spitfire

    spitfire Fapstronaut

    I know this post is a couple of years old, but I see that @freedom is coming is still active - great job.
    I'm a runner too - but I broke my knee a couple of months ago. It's been during my knee recovery that I've got serious about PMO recovery, and I've been here a few times a day for the last month or so. You make a very interesting point about running increasing temptations because of the energy boost. That's a great point, and something I'll look out for when I can use my knee again - I have a marathon scheduled for the autumn, so I need to get back into it. I've always ran and PMOed together, sadly, some long runs with early Sunday morning starts were preceded by a late Saturday night of PMO madness. Not good for the health or the PB.