Getting Back On

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by NJF, Mar 25, 2024.

  1. NJF

    NJF Fapstronaut

    Hi All,

    I've been on NoFap once before in my life. Many years ago, when I was getting engaged my wife found Porn on my phone and I decided to stop watching. I spent a few months on NoFap back then and it was very helpful. I've had stints of difficulty with Porn for years, however, have also have long stints of success. I am currently in one of those stints. I do not struggle with Porn like I used to, however, often do what I call "struggling successfully". "Struggling Successfully" is when you are abstaining from watching porn but think about it from time to time. My difficulties often come when I am alone, or overly stressed from things like parenting my kids or work. I'll stare at my phone for minutes and then decide to put it in the other room. That usually works, but the temptation never fully goes away. I believe that this is because my inability to cope with stress is still present. My wife recently went back to school, and it has left a huge parenting and financial load on my plate. I hold on for long periods of time, acting like it isn't difficult and then do one of two things: Start thinking about looking at porn, or get so angry that I blow up on my wife and kids. I don't want either of those things, but it's become overbearing. I've come back to NoFap for support, I guess. It's really hard to find men in my part of the world that understand "quitting porn". If I talk about it with anyone, I typically get comments like "Why would you do that" or "all guys do it." I kind of just want to be different. I want to find ways to release my stress that aren't pornography related. I don't know. Although I am currently "Struggling Successfully", I just don't want to struggle at all anymore.
    rooftops likes this.
  2. Orphan

    Orphan Fapstronaut

  3. rooftops

    rooftops Fapstronaut

    Welcome back. I've only been on NoFap for a couple of weeks, but have struggled with PMO since my twenties. I can relate to your situation a bit - the main urge I get for PMO is when I'm stressed or bored at work but when I do PMO I end up getting really cranky with my wife, mainly because of guilt I think. It really affects our relationship when I do PMO. Your phrase "the temptation never fully goes away" I think sums up my situation - I don't think the temptation will ever fully go away - it hasn't for the last 30 years, but hopefully with this forum we can learn to control and avoid it.

    Stay strong!
    Orphan likes this.