fresh start to a old journey

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by kikstart, May 12, 2015.

  1. kikstart

    kikstart Fapstronaut

    Hi I just found the site today and would like to get involved. Can someone please help me find my way around this site . thanks
  2. Kurapika

    Kurapika Guest

    Welcome to Nofap! I suggest you start a journal : Go to the journals section and start a journal in your age category.Also read the description of every section of the forum ( rebooting , addiction , ...) to know how to use the website.
  3. kikstart

    kikstart Fapstronaut

    Thanks. Just wwondering is their anywhere that I post my goal or do I just join the thread that fits me best?
  4. YiboW

    YiboW Fapstronaut

    Hey Kikstart!

    First, welcome to the NoFap community! We're all very excited to have you here. You can just join any thread that you feel fits you best. Remember we're all very welcoming so feel free to open up about your porn addiction problems.

    I actually just wrote a post about how I went from 0 to 10 days NoFap. It's a long read but I definitely think it'll help you out:

    Tell me know if you need anything else!

    kikstart likes this.
  5. kikstart

    kikstart Fapstronaut

    Thanks a lot for your kind inspiration. I read some of your link and will try to implement what I can when I can.
    What really inspired me the most is your age and the drastic change that you have done in your life. For myself being 24 its getting to me that its time to take life into control. Good luck to you and I hope to follow up in my journal.
    YiboW likes this.
  6. YiboW

    YiboW Fapstronaut

    Wow, that's such a honor for me to inspire someone as old as you. I wish you the best of luck brother!

    Honestly I never would have been able to go 10 days without the support from my accountability partners. Seriously I would have been another 17 year old kid fapping every day if I hadn't stumbled upon the NoFap forums. Trust me, YOU CAN DO THIS! We're all here to support you! Welcome to the best forum in the world!

    I definitely will! Keep me updated on your journal!
  7. kikstart

    kikstart Fapstronaut

    Thanks again I definitely will keep you updated. so far so good I hope I can say the same at this time tomorrow.
    YiboW likes this.