First timer

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by stlouisite, Jul 14, 2013.

  1. stlouisite

    stlouisite Fapstronaut

    So I have been masturbating for over half my life. I started when I was 12 on accident and then kept going from there. I have tried SO MANY TIMES to stop and never seem to be able to do it. I can last a few days and then I get back to it.

    I was thinking about setting an initial goal of 7 days. It is Sunday night, 9:22 pm for me. I am hoping to go until next Sunday (and then beyond, but let's not get ahead of myself!)

    Is a week a good first-time goal? What has everyone else experienced?
  2. stlouisite

    stlouisite Fapstronaut

    K I made it through day 1. Not without some struggle, though. Couple times I started, actually, but I stopped before it got too far. It was easier as the day progressed. Day 2, here we go!
  3. santoshwlcl

    santoshwlcl New Fapstronaut

    Here s my first day. I have a most important examination of my life during mid feb 2014 i wish i could sustain till then.
    I know its very difficult but let me try my 1st shot a best shot..
    I will be here on this site not regularly but at least during my difficult times to overcome my fetish.
    Plz do encourage and support.

    My last masturbation was on 18 july 2013 i wish to continue till 9 feb 2014

    Here is my day 1
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2013
  4. stlouisite

    stlouisite Fapstronaut

    Cool. I am on day 5. I almost broke today and actually did watch porn. I shut it off before I did anything, though. Still, its not perfect but I do hope to continue. I haven't masturbated. In some ways it gets easier... it is less dominant in my mind 24/7. However, sometimes all it takes is an image on TV here, a picture online there. This morning, I don't know what it was. I hope those temptations become easier to control but so far, I don't think I need to start my count over. Here's to day 6!