Feeling empty/stressed/anxious all day except in the evening ?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by SerotonineLess, Jul 28, 2023.

  1. SerotonineLess

    SerotonineLess Fapstronaut

    I wonder what happen in my mind right now :

    All the day i feel bad, sad , empty, stressed and axious but when the evening come, i feel better, no worries or a very little, not enough to ruin my good mood, i even had some evening of pure joy for no reason when all the day i was feeling so bad, like almost suicidal bad.

    I do not have euphoric evening btw, it was only 3 days 2 week ago, now my evening are most of the times better than the day that's all, i feel better.

    How is that possible ? Does someone know what's happening with my brain ?
  2. Frassvelli

    Frassvelli Fapstronaut

    Well someone who is fighting an addiction would get mood swings, feel anxious, depressed at the start. This is the period of withdrawal when the brain is complaining and making frantic pleas to restore the addictive stuff that is slowly being taken away.

    It's good you are feeling better in your evenings. It must be awful to feel low just before bed time.
  3. I've found this too! Even before I started PMO – I've struggled with depression and anxiety before and it faded as the day went on. It's common. I think it's because we feel pressure in the day to work well etc. and then when the sun goes down, we feel a bit more relaxed.
  4. fauxfun999

    fauxfun999 Fapstronaut

    First, it is entirely normal to feel like this in the nofap journey, but it will change and pass, it is only temporary.
    Your brain which has been flooded by dopamine because of porn, has become desensitized to any other normal stimulus, so this make your mood low and give a sense of depression.

    But be happy, this is just a temporary condition, and shows you are making progress on your journey to freedom from porn.
    You brain is rebooting and resetting itself, this takes time, and like a computer that you repair, it is necessary to take it offline for a while to replace defective components.

    Cheers for now.
  5. SerotonineLess

    SerotonineLess Fapstronaut

    Yes you are right, it's normal but so much disturbing...Sometimes i do get to bed way to late and i start to feel bad again, so i have a little window of " peace " every evening, wich is better than nothing.
  6. SerotonineLess

    SerotonineLess Fapstronaut

    Yes maybe there is some of it, i do not have a job right now but it's true that i usually was more relaxed in the evening when i was on pmo
  7. SerotonineLess

    SerotonineLess Fapstronaut

    Yeah as someone who used to get " dopamine bath " by porn for 2 to 6 hours on my " jerking off session " i guess it's normal for my brain to feel so bad, and of cours i also watched porn in the day without masturbating, so my brain really must feel like something big is missing.