Fear Of Withdrawal Symptoms vs. Fear Of Success

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Sep 7, 2023.

  1. Andy1517

    Andy1517 Fapstronaut

    Definitely felt this post it sucks cause every day I think of so much more I can be like me being healthy and success it’s like u want the healthy part to come first cause once you are your greater self you know all the good that’ll come next cause all the symptoms are no longer holding u back from what u can potentially be, I to also wish for the days I can go out n feel normal again it’s like everything holds u back from even goin outside most days spent inside depressed hoping for greater days to come
  2. According to Wiki:

    From the bloodstream, homovanillic acid is filtered out by the kidneys and then excreted in the urine.[26] The two primary metabolic routes that convert dopamine into HVA are:

    • Dopamine → DOPALDOPAC → HVA – catalyzed by MAO, ALDH, and COMT respectively
    • Dopamine → 3-Methoxytyramine → HVA – catalyzed by COMT and MAO+ALDH respectively
    In clinical research on schizophrenia, measurements of homovanillic acid in plasma have been used to estimate levels of dopamine activity in the brain. A difficulty in this approach however, is separating the high level of plasma homovanillic acid contributed by the metabolism of norepinephrine.[27][28]

    Although dopamine is normally broken down by an oxidoreductase enzyme, it is also susceptible to oxidation by direct reaction with oxygen, yielding quinones plus various free radicals as products.

    Notice the part about free radicals. They are thought to cause cancer, among other things.

    Why is it that some people get cancer early in life, some late, some never? There you go.
    A W A K E likes this.
  3. 3:18 later, I'm still waiting for the explanation that was promised...
  4. This is interesting. It gives me a hell of a lot more to research. Thanks for sharing.
  5. That is an excellent way to occupy your mind during a reboot!
    I've got a good feeling about you!