Ever accountable or accountable2you?

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by Just me, Jan 13, 2018.

  1. Just me

    Just me Fapstronaut

    So I am really fed up with Apple and iPhones so we are considering changing cell plans and going to android devices in order to be able to use one of these accountability programs. If anyone has access to these programs I have a ton of questions and obviously I cannot test it until we change phones. Please message me if you are willing to share your experiences. It sounds pretty great If it really works the way it says it will
  2. AllanTheCowboy

    AllanTheCowboy Fapstronaut

    Have had no problems with Accountable 2you, buy I'm 99.9999999% certain no one is actually reading the reports, and I'm not reading them, so I don't really know how good they are or not.
  3. Just me

    Just me Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your response. Why did you choose accountable2you instead of evera accountable? I’m struggling to figure out the differences. I’m also trying to figure out exactly how specific the details are in the apps (it looks like pretty dang specific for more of them)
    I think it’s smart not to get the report. My hubby says he wants me to make sure he doesn’t have access to it either.
  4. AllanTheCowboy

    AllanTheCowboy Fapstronaut

    I have never heard of ever accountable. I had covenant eyes, but I no longer need filtration, and I found it interfered with my browser too much (on non-problematic sites)
  5. Just me

    Just me Fapstronaut

    So is the accountability software enough to keep you from slipping? My hubby is at over 9 months of success and I want to keep it up.
  6. AllanTheCowboy

    AllanTheCowboy Fapstronaut

    I can't speak to that. I don't need it to keep from slipping; that's not the purpose or serves for me.
  7. Torn

    Torn Fapstronaut

    We switched to Androids so we could use Ever Accountable. It’s good software with very thorough reports, although sometimes it won’t mark something as “suspicious” that is, so I suggested reading through the entire report if you feel you have something to be concerned about.

    We have switched back to iPhones, though, since I learned from @SuperFan it’s very easy and effective to safeguard an iPhone by changing a few settings. Maybe he can post the video he created with instructions on how to do that here? Or feel free to PM me.
  8. Just me

    Just me Fapstronaut

    Right now our iPhones are pretty locked down- that’s why I’m looking into alternatives. I don’t like that he can’t download apps and an accountability software will allow that. Additionally, there is a hole that my husband found (and told me so I’m really proud of him) within the restrictions we had set, which further restricted him and results in me checking his history every two-3 days, deleting the browser and reinstalling it, which is highly annoying to me.

    I was told I could run both programs simultaneously during the trial period so I will try that, to see which format of reporting I like better. The thing I like about ever accountable is they give you the direct links supposedly. I’m worried because I am unclear if I can check periodically to see if it’s working- I have to wait a whole week to make sure that it is indeed reporting on his phone. I think that would only be an issue for the first week though.
  9. jaredmiller

    jaredmiller New Fapstronaut

    I have been using A2U for nearly a year now. They have been beta testing a solution that has just been released as a stable public app about 2 months ago. This new app replaces the old accountability browser which didn't work very well. This tracks ALL internet traffic on the device. I can use safari or any other web browser and even use inprivate browsing and it still catches everything! (I tried quite hard to break it and came up fairly short...) My phone restrictions aren't set down at all (might be good to set it to where you can't delete apps and then thats one less way to get rid of the A2U app) but it monitors everything! I'm very excited about this! It has been a huge help in my life!! It can be disabled but can be setup very easily to send text alerts within 5 mins. In any event that it flags as questionable you will receive an email within an hour. you can get daily or weekly reports. These reports only show what has been flagged but do give the option to view everything. The flagging system is extremely accurate! Its very easy to setup and install! I have personally tried all kinds of confusing setups and this is by far the most effective and easiest I have found!!! I will gladly share the link however the rules for this forum are that I need to post twice before it will let me... I would be absolutely happy to answer any questions! Fire away! Spread the word! Theres nothing that works like A2U's new iOS app. I also like that they have a solution that works just as well for Mac, Windows, and android as well all of which I also have. As a note... I did not get paid to write this and am paying full price for A2U...
  10. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    I use EA.
    It's is customizable to your needs and all apps and watches incognito.
    Get the family plan and put it on all devices.
  11. jaredmiller

    jaredmiller New Fapstronaut

    That doesn't work like that on iOS? That only works on Android like that correct? I checked again a day or two ago they only offered a browser that gave accountability rather than monitoring the whole iPhone. This approach I have found is full of loopholes. Just what I have found I guess...
  12. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    She asked about Android... Because she's fed up with iPhone.
    IPhone is full of loopholes to begin with.
  13. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    Although... @SuperFan can tell you how to block a iPhone or apple device.
    My specialty is Android.
    So I answered only because the OP said Android.
  14. jaredmiller

    jaredmiller New Fapstronaut

    Sorry. I failed to note the original context of this thread. Agreed! iPhone is indeed full of loopholes. However I will say that the new A2U app takes care of pretty much all of the loopholes and I would say it puts iOS on par with Android in that respect. I have a friend who uses EA and seems to like it. I tried it on Android, Windows and iOS and personally didn't think it did as well as A2U on those platforms. Also with EA there were a couple internet browsers that weren't automatically tracked and I was able to download some off brand browser and be scotch free if I wanted... In one of the posts the original poster mentioned that their phones are locked down to almost unusable... I was there as well and its no fun. A2U has been a real break through for me. My phone doesn't need to be locked down to have decency built into it... I set my restrictions down just as a way to help avoid accidental exposure but it wouldn't be necessary with A2U... Just my experience I guess.
  15. jaredmiller

    jaredmiller New Fapstronaut

    A2U allows you to do a daily report as well as instant text notifications that are sent out within 5 mins of a problem. A2U doesn't give direct links. I asked for that and they said that they want to do what they can to protect accountability partners as well and don't want someone to fall because of seeing someone else's bad report. In the year that I have used A2U there really wasn't a question if something was good or bad.
  16. Just me

    Just me Fapstronaut

    I also asked for that thinking things would be more vague than they are. In fact, lost of web addresses do come up and it has been very easy to tell what was viewed. We have been using this for about 4 months now.