Erotic dream without orgasm

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by Gasolgasol, Jan 8, 2023.

  1. Gasolgasol

    Gasolgasol Fapstronaut

    I had an erotic dream last night where I was having sex, but I didn't ejaculate. Does that mean that my body is looking to release semen and I should masturbate next day. Without P apparently. Or should I ignore it and continue my streak? I was thinking that may be I developed such level of self control with nofap that I can prevent wet dreams even while sleeping , although my body is trying to dump some semen. What do you think?
    SV47, Adnilgo and Andy1517 like this.
  2. BlackPilledMonk68

    BlackPilledMonk68 Fapstronaut

    No u were attacked by a succubus that was trying to drain you of ur life source.

    It would sound like my comment would be schizophrenics wet dream, but this is actually a problem ALL too common with ppl retaining their seed.

    You didn't have a wet dream so MY conclusion would be you didn't release at all, so theres nothing to set back nd I would continue the streak.

    As far as I'm concerned not orgasming IS the tipping point, and I even wouldn't count a wet dream as or asking because sometimes its just releasing "excess" semen. Some ppl think as soon as you have a sexual u need to reset ur counter back to zero. There's a lot of debate too it all

    Ultimately that's a YOU call, but me personally I don't count wet dreams as a relapse and when I have them, I seem to lose powers........ For like maybe a day or so. And I'm good after. Sometimes not all. But ur dreams are also a representative of ur subconscious so don't neglect them especially if they are frequent
    Robbiebob and Adnilgo like this.
  3. Andy1517

    Andy1517 Fapstronaut

    Wow same happened to me sexual dream I was having sex but turns out I did ejaculate in my sleep felt disgusted after smh
    Robbiebob likes this.
  4. Adnilgo

    Adnilgo Fapstronaut

    I also had a dream last night.
    I met a beautiful girl, younger than me. She was with a group of her friends. At the end she separated from them, wanted to stay with me. She told me she was on cocaine(WTF?), we started kissing each other, it was so real. As soon as she put her hands in my trousers I woke up straight away. Otherwise I would’ve ejaculated.
    It seemed like a reality from a parallel world
    Robbiebob and Andy1517 like this.
  5. Steve.tmq

    Steve.tmq Fapstronaut

    Don't M not at all. Allow a WD to come, it's normal and good. Enjoy, it is not a reset.