Don't look, don't touch and don't think about it

For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    I too once thought that if I was truly repentant, I would not be inclined to commit the same sin which I sincerely confessed and if I was inclined to commit that sin again then I must not be truly repentant. I was shown that this thinking is incorrect. Because the likelihood that we're going to fall again is not because we don’t want to change, it’s because we are not always physically free to resist. Due to the brain chemistry of addiction, freedom is greatly reduced by this physical addiction. This is not an excuse to give up but rather it is recognition of the fact that we cannot do it of our own willpower. We need God to intervene for us. Thus two very important steps (1) Recognize you cannot beat this addiction solely by your own willpower although we are called to learn self-control as far as possible (2) Recognize that God can beat it for you but you must regularly seek his saving grace through prayer.

    Consider the story of Saint Mark Ji Tianxang. This 19th century man, a devout religious physician, became addicted to opium after it was prescribed to him for a serious injury. He tried with all of his might to quit his drug habit for 30 years but was unable to do so. However, he remained a devout Christian and ultimately was beheaded because he refused to renounce his faith. His was canonized as a martyr in 1946 when the church recognized that although his drug habit was sinful, it was outwith his control and it did not diminish his fervor for Christ.
  2. Sean Edie

    Sean Edie Fapstronaut

    I woke up at about 2am and couldn't get back to sleep and my mind wandered again and gave into mo
    Rock Hard Faith likes this.
  3. Mts209

    Mts209 Fapstronaut

    Yes, that is my worst time as well. Typically in the middle of the night I am awaken fully aroused. This is where I question God. I’m not fantasizing nor looking at porn. It’s a bodily function with me….so, why am I being tempted like this?!? However, I know I have two choices, one immediately try and pray, two, go with the feeling. Most of the time I try and pray it away, but then there is my weak moment!

    I don’t understand my own body!
  4. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    You must find a way to break the chain of events that begins with temptation and ends with completely giving in to desire. I want to assure you that after thousands of trials and errors, I have found that the chain is broken through prayer. I can recommend to you dozens of tricks and tips to try but in the end, you must do the praying. You must sincerely ask for God's help and make it your habit to do so whenever temptation strikes.
    Mara43 and Tao Jones like this.
  5. Your signature says it all, yes? :)

    It is a lie that you awaken fully aroused. Perhaps your body is in a state of arousal, but your mind is not, unless you allow it to be. Mental arousal is a choice, always. You either feed it or you shut it down. Outside of the appropriate marital context, if we don't shut it down immediately, we are playing with fire. We will get burned sooner or later!
    CPilot and Mts209 like this.
  6. An idea
    Keep you Bible close to you when sleeping. If you wake up during the night being tempted, hug you Bible and pray until you fall asleep again. This way your hands aren't free and your mind is busy

    If definitely you can't sleep again, then is better to get up and doing some activity far from the bed, along with prayer.
  7. Sean Edie

    Sean Edie Fapstronaut

    I'm doing better now and I got the idea of noating my progress on each of my aims
    Don't look - this is my biggest weakness where I still look but stop myself when I notice I'm looking
    Don't touch - I'm getting better at not touching myself and when the temptation arises, I find something else to think about
    Don't think about it - these two are closely connected and as long as I don't feed my temptations, I don't edge
    CPilot and Tao Jones like this.
  8. Sean Edie

    Sean Edie Fapstronaut

    It's been a while since I've posted here but not much has happened
    Don't look - it was raining so not much temptation but there is still the urge to look
    Don't touch - I've been really good at not touching myself but I still think if I push myself, the temptation will come
    Don't think about it - last night the temptation came but I stopped myself and read
  9. Kemar935

    Kemar935 Fapstronaut

    Sorry, totally forgot to reply to your response. I agree with what you say. There are many many tips, tricks, books etc that can help me on my way to defeating my addiction. But ultimately nothing will happen if I don't see that not I but God is the one who can get me through this. I have to rely on him, keep my eyes on him, read the bible and genuinely pray. If I do that I genuinly believe one day I'll be freed from this slavery. In the end the instructions are very simple. Give your life to jesus and he will heal you
  10. In Christ, you are free right now. You just have to learn to walk in that freedom and stop going back to what the flesh desires. The Spirit within you is already fully prepared to be done with it for good. Let him take the lead!

    How do we know we are free? How do we prove it to ourselves and others? One day at a time is the only way...
  11. Sean Edie

    Sean Edie Fapstronaut

    First major temptation this morning so I got up and read
    Rock Hard Faith, Tao Jones and CPilot like this.
  12. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    I recall a verse in the Bible which states that God gives grace to us with every successful resistance of temptation. Sorry, I don't recall exactly which one I am thinking of. Nevertheless, congratulations on this victory and may God's sustaining grace grow within you.
  13. Rock Hard Faith

    Rock Hard Faith Fapstronaut

    Just keep at it and never ever give up. Satan and his demon followers hope that you will give up. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you is a Biblical verse from James 4:7. It means that Christians should not give in to the devil's temptations, but rather oppose him and submit to God The verse is part of a larger passage that urges believers to draw near to God, repent of their sins, and humble themselves before the Lord.
    CPilot likes this.
  14. Sean Edie

    Sean Edie Fapstronaut

    I had a rough night last night and gave in again. It started earlier on in the day so I only have myself to blame
  15. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    True but what do you blame yourself for? For succumbing to temptation or for not praying long enough or with enough ferver to ward off this temptation? Be assured with sufficient prayer to the Holy Spirit, the intensity of temptation does wane but do you really want that? Yes, this is a hard question and one that we all must answer. What do we want? PMO or freedom from this sin?
    Rock Hard Faith likes this.
  16. Sean Edie

    Sean Edie Fapstronaut

    I think I'm going to give myself an online detox so I might check in once in a while but not much
  17. Faithe

    Faithe Fapstronaut

    This series is going to be so helpful for me. Thank you.
    Since my last reset I've recently started turning away lustful thoughts as soon as they come as well. Didn't used to do that... I wouldn't reset my tracker until I moved through all three stages of PMO. It was dishonest of me for so many years. It's so important to cut it off right when it starts! The heart and mind must heal before we can even hope to have our actions reflect it.
    Wilderness Wanderer likes this.