Don't know what to do

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Hold the Line, Jul 20, 2023.

  1. Hold the Line

    Hold the Line Fapstronaut

    I don't do pmo as much as i did, but lately i broke more often to pmo and every time i tell myself it's the last time and fail to resist the urge the next time it hits, and after every time i relapse to porn i get tired, fatigued, depressed and angry.

    not masturbating at all is not realistic.

    on the other hand i can't find a relationship to remove the need to masturebate, any tips?
  2. You are connecting two separate things, I guess.
    To masturbate is not the cause for watching porn.
    Not to masturbate is not the cure for watching porn.
    What exactly do you consider as your problem, watching porn or masturbation? Why do you want to remove your need for masturbation?
    TheEpicLolo564 likes this.
  3. TheEpicLolo564

    TheEpicLolo564 Fapstronaut

    You gotta stay waaay far from anything that might take you to masturbate yourself Mazda guy.

    Get off your phone, Pc and get yourself busy doing things all day.

    There is one thing, though:

    Let's say you fell and masturbate one day, the urge to masturbate again will prevail up to 1 week or maybe two, is really strong but after that is easier.

    On the other hand, let's say you manage to get off masturbation for some time, but here's the thing. When you feel bad by any motive you will fall again because WE think we deserve to do bad stuff to fight of more bad stuff, in this case masturbation but it can also be drinking.

    You gotta work on yourself to the point where when you feel bad, you've achieved so much more that masturbation is just going to feel like a complete waste, and it is.

    There is no easy way, you can't just say that not masturbating is unrealistic, I'm pretty sure a lot of people are doing that.

    I know is just not that simple, but you have to implement systems that will help you do it. Install porn blockers, don't touch your phone in the morning, run, stuff like that.
    Pangolyn likes this.
  4. Depends on how strict you are. Not masturbating at all is unrealistic, but to do your best not to masturbate isn't unrealistic, it's a matter of willpower and training.
    TheEpicLolo564 likes this.
  5. TheEpicLolo564

    TheEpicLolo564 Fapstronaut

    I'd say not masturbating at all is possible as long as you have sexual relationships. If not, then occasional masturbation is "normal" as long as you can control it and not fall into P addiction and enter into a cycle. Because not having a way of releasing semen at all is also counterproductive.
    Pangolyn likes this.