Does nofap really improve social skills?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by SanketVaria29, Dec 26, 2022.

  1. SanketVaria29

    SanketVaria29 Fapstronaut

    I have heard and read people say that nofap increased their social skills and now they are talking to women, they have no anxiety fear etc...

    I do not have social anxiety, to begin with. but I do have problems while having conversations. I can't come up with topics to talk about. Especially with people with whom I have zero common ground, and this person is my fiancee. What a deadly combination.

    I have tried the other solutions but they haven't worked so I am assuming that nofap might help. I know it's not a magic bullet but I hope it will improve enough to get the ship sailing.
    Pauley and Congruence like this.
  2. It definitely helps, like, I've noticed my social skills become significantly worse when I indulge in pmo. But NoFap is just 1 weapon in your arsenal to help with social skill improvements.
    Pauley and Life_of_Socrates_777 like this.
  3. Life_of_Socrates_777

    Life_of_Socrates_777 Fapstronaut

    You have zero common ground with your fiancee?

    Yes, sexual sobriety leads to confidence but this is a different issue than being a poor conversationalist. Lots of people can't think of anything good to say, you're not not-normal for just being a regular joe. The social skills enter when you are proud of yourself for making promises to yourself and keeping them. Having a sense of integrity gives you the ability to look another person in the eye and feel good about being an authentic person.
    Peaceful magic 21, again and kropo82 like this.
  4. SanketVaria29

    SanketVaria29 Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I already said that it's a problem that could be not from PMO. I I believe it could be because PMO does ruin your prefrontal cortex of the brain which is known cognitive thinking. I mean if the part of the brain that makes us a human isn't in the right order then no task we do is going to be efficient and good, and is also the reason we get brain fog. Maybe my it also brings down conversation skills as well. If you have a smarter and healthy brain then perhaps coming up with topics, connecting with people, empathy etc all start to work efficiently. It's like the Mechanical gears that aren't oiled and cleaned for years and now they are corroded and jammed.
    livinginhell and OhWhenThe like this.
  5. Pauley

    Pauley Fapstronaut

    Just talk about the stuff you like. There is often more common ground than we assume.
  6. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    @SanketVaria29 why marry someone with whom you share zero common ground? That seems very unwise.
    Psalm27:1my light and again like this.
  7. Yes staying on nofap will help your social skills, also go hard mode that way you will experience the most benefits.
  8. SanketVaria29

    SanketVaria29 Fapstronaut

    TLDR: There are no fish in the sea.
    Long version: I was born in 1995, back then female feticide was a thing. Currently, there are like 10 men for 1 girl. When you add in PMO, poor social skills etc... you lose the tough competition before you even take the part. Then comes the demographics. Not every country has open-minded or progressive women. In my country such is a case. We do have those kind of women, I am not saying we completely don't but with specific common ground of mine it's rare to come by. I rarely ever met a woman that had interests in Anime, Animation, Scifi, Games, tech, AI, philosophy(this one is 50 50). And yeah, I did met women despite having bad social skills and PMO (that is why I have no social anxiety). So I just accepted what best I could get. The life is going to be challenging for us but I am open to try new stuff and build new common grounds with her. Sometimes it feels like she is a person god sent to better me and change me.
    kropo82 likes this.