Does NoFap Cloud my Judgment?

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by wowowan, Dec 9, 2022.

  1. wowowan

    wowowan New Fapstronaut

    I began my NoFap journey in June 2022 but I failed after three weeks. Reasons I started - fear that I was addicted and no motivation to approach girls. In July everything was back to the way it used to be but at the beginning of August, I decided spontaneously to try again. This time I lasted 88 days. I had one wet dream throughout this time when I hit exactly one month. The first month was the hardest. I realized that I might have been more addicted to watching pornographic content than actually masturbating. In September I went back to uni and things were way different. I was willing to approach girls and with one, we became quite close. She was the first to admit her feelings. I was actually having feelings for her as well, which was something I was able to avoid before with ease. We did not have any sexual relationship but the first time we kissed I ejaculated. That was in November and after this, I decided to start masturbating again. I actually had to push myself into doing it and a month after I am still pushing myself to do it. Since then I have masturbated around ten times, maybe less. This made me realize that fapping was more of a habit that I broke not an addiction. The reason why I am not sure it was worth it was because things between me and the girl are not going well and I was pretty much, without going into details, used and played. Something that I should have been able to see but since I was not masturbating my judgment might have been clouded and I might have been just looking for sex. The positive things I noticed from NoFap were that I had spikes of energy at the beginning, and I broke a habit that was not necessarily healthy. The negative effect was that my judgment was clouded at least in my opinion and that I allowed myself to get very attached to a girl (I haven't done so in years prior) that was probably not worth it. I would really appreciate it if you give me feedback on my story and sorry for my English, it's not my first language.
  2. HaydarM

    HaydarM Fapstronaut

    Since the beggining of time, men have been gullible and naive in state of horniness. It seems to me that you got played by the girl not because you were horny and looking for sex which is natural, which should be your default state, but because you were inexperienced. Let this be a lesson to you friend, and nothing more.

    Don't tell me you would do better in that particular situation if you had porn or masturbation with you, because you wouldn't get into that situation in the first place. NoFap didn't cloud your judgment, your judgment was clouded by lack of knowledge and experience in the field of relationships.

    I hate to be so direct, but I've learned it's the best way to speak to high value men. Best of luck, learn from this brother!
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