Does anyone have tips on skincare?

Discussion in 'Nutrition and Supplements' started by YoungLenny, Dec 16, 2020.

Did you have problems with your skin before Nofap?

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  2. no

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  1. YoungLenny

    YoungLenny Fapstronaut

    Hey i need some advice on skincare
    I have struggled with acne for a time now. And i have recently been like a little depressed because of my acne and i just want to improve my skin while on nofap
    Not just Acne also ( Dry skin, Acne scars)
    So do you bruddas have any advice how i can improve my skin?
    Toni7 and {Ananta} like this.
  2. I had super bad acne from 13 to about 18 on my face, then it moved from my face to my body, i had it really bad on my arms, chest, shoulders, back, i never wanted to take my shirt off. Before i get into the dry skin let me tell you what cured my upper body acne, ready?, here it is....... (QUIT DAIRY!). I found out my body did not like dairy very much, i drank milk every day and lots of it, then i went into bootcamp and it all disappeared, after that i realized it was because i had no dairy products while i was there, whenever i eat dairy now i get breakouts so i know for a fact that is the issue for me, i am acne free now that i quit. Now for dry skin let me tell you now throw all your lotions away, that crap does not work for more then like 30 minutes if even that, when i was in washington i discovered something in a asian drug store, a magical oil/wax called jojoba oil, when i put it on my face it keeps it from getting dry all day!, i dont recommend putting it on during the day because you will look sweaty, put it on before you go to sleep at night, make sure to scrape any dead skin off your face first, i just use warm water and my finger nails honestly but a really good item for healing acne scars and getting dead skin off is a Japanese beauty product called cure, it really works. Also jojoba is famous for killing acne!, thank me later. Oh and also dont forget to avoid hot baths or showers, those things will absolutely dry the hell out of your skin.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 18, 2020
    Gina3111 and YoungLenny like this.
  3. InTheWilderness

    InTheWilderness Fapstronaut

    1. Avoid vaccines and reduce exposure to chemicals as much possible.

    2. Eat right and your skin will look right. No point in using cleanser and skincare products if you fill your (body) liver, lungs and kidneys with toxins. Soft drinks and processed sugar are bad bad bad.

    3. Things to look into: Tea Tree Oil, Castor Oil, Sweet Almond oil, Jojoba oil etc... these are good for skin.

    These are just general tip.
  4. getafterit

    getafterit Fapstronaut

    Agree completely with the guy above.

    If you're not in control of your diet you might as well don't bother with anything.

    If I eat gluten, sugar or processed foods my acne acts up.

    That means no sodas, no pasta, no bread, no fucking sugar - and you're gonna find out that there's sugar in fucking everything in the grocery store, not just the candy. Also trying to keep dairy products on the low end.
  5. Also make sure to use all natural hair products because that stuff gets on your face, and using things like natural deodorant are a great idea.
    InTheWilderness and Trulsbrotha like this.
  6. YoungLenny

    YoungLenny Fapstronaut

    Eyy Thanks for all the tips bruddas
    BravelyKegger likes this.
  7. YoungLenny

    YoungLenny Fapstronaut

    Thanks man gonna try this for sure
    BravelyKegger likes this.
  8. no problem bro, i know the struggle with acne very personally, even after i got rid of it i was left with super dried out skin on my face, my nose and cheeks get it real bad, before i found jojoba the dead skin would collect in my eyebrows and it was so nasty, dont have that anymore now.
    Trulsbrotha likes this.
  9. YoungLenny

    YoungLenny Fapstronaut

    do you mean "natural aqua gel cure"
  10. yep thats it, i think amazon sells it.
  11. YoungLenny

    YoungLenny Fapstronaut

    I can't actually really keep myself away from dairy, because my mom use it in most of her food:emoji_sweat_smile:
    I can't just say "mom can you not put dairy products in your food"
  12. Branchman

    Branchman Fapstronaut

    I went on a drug treatment, it was called isotretionoina (in spanish) it was like an excess of vitamin A, about 5 years ago and I really improved. I currently don't like to take medicines. But a very good natural remedy is using aloe vera. Put the gel (warm) in your face before going to sleep, and in the mornign you'll see that the points are decreased, and you'll have a clearer skin.
    Trulsbrotha likes this.
  13. YoungLenny

    YoungLenny Fapstronaut

    yeah maybe ill just keep it simple by
    • Staying away from chemical products.
    • Eating healthy.
    • And training.
    • And try to stay away from dairy and sugar as much as i can.
    And ill look into those natural oils like (Jojoboa oil and Tea tree oil)
  14. Branchman

    Branchman Fapstronaut

    I am not a dermatologist, but what I know (and what my dermatologist told me) is that dirtiness is what makes more susceptible to acne, because the pores get obstructed, the same with oils. That's why they recommend to wash in the morning and nigth your face, to remove natural grease and lipids. But what causes acné is genetical stuff. Also from my experience when I am high in testoterone levels, eat peanuts, hazelnuts and chocolate is when I get some grains, but mostly from high testoterone levels.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2020
    Trulsbrotha likes this.
  15. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    when washing hands an face use cold or cool water, use cool water in showers as hot/warm water opens your pours then later your skin well dry up, an popres clog, when you sweat wash up quickly, ive never tried cbd cream for acne they say it helps, maybe your profile pic was speaking to you all along, cbd hemp cream
    Trulsbrotha likes this.
  16. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    keep it gangsta
    Trulsbrotha likes this.
  17. sure you could, if she cares about your skin then she will stop, i mean my mom would i dont know about yours. And also you should get into cooking for yourself, i have always made my own food.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 19, 2020
    Trulsbrotha likes this.
  18. Yah i went on something similar called acutane same concept, super expensive stuff but the doctor said it will 100% work and it completely did, but i feel like it left my skin dry years later possibly.
    Trulsbrotha and Branchman like this.
  19. Trulsbrotha likes this.
  20. InTheWilderness

    InTheWilderness Fapstronaut

    Forgot to mention grape seed oil. I use all these oils and they don’t give me break out. I have dry skin and these oil help a lot. Someone mentions aloe vera above ... that is also good. I have used a lot of cleansers over the years but a lot of it gave me trouble until I came across one with aloe vera and have been using it without any problem.
    Trulsbrotha and BravelyKegger like this.