Do women really "come to you" when you level up as a man?

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by SirQwerty, Nov 14, 2023.

  1. SirQwerty

    SirQwerty Fapstronaut

    This is something I've heard a lot, and just wanted to see if any of you all could testify to this.

    I've been working hard on myself to ensure that I'm husband material. Of course, I'm not trying to be the best version of myself just for a relationship, and that's not something constantly on my mind, but as a single young man, it's hard not to think about those things often.

    I'm busy with school, doing yardwork and helping around the house, and working a nice job that has promising opportunities for the future. I've been busy, but I am constantly introspecting, and I feel like I'm definitely maturing in how I view and react to things. I've been pushing myself more, and while it's tiring and lonely, I'm seeing growth.

    I feel another issue for me too is that I don't really feel like going out, but I know that's the only way to meet people. (I'm getting very tired of the computer/phones, so chat rooms and dating apps are not something for me haha)

    I say all this to say... I'm not just sitting here feeling sorry for myself, but am actually working on being the best man I can. I just want to see how long you have all waited?

    I'm tired of feeling lonely, and I know PMO cannot fill that void, because it left me empty every time. I don't even care about s*x much at this point, I just want a companion to share moments with.

    I know that was long. Thank you for reading if you made it this far. Had to dump some thoughts
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2023
    again and fusion47 like this.
  2. I have been working on myself every day since I was 19, so that's 7 years. I have implemented concrete actions like going to the gym, eating healthily, working on my posture, dressing well, working on my insecurities, my self-esteem, charisma, etc. I have approached thousands of women on the street over 7 years. I am a perfectionist, so I think I have done the maximum I could.

    The only aspect I do not place importance on is the financial aspect. I don't care about being rich; it's not something high on my scale of values. Although I make a decent living, I am not rich. So, it's the only aspect I am not familiar with, and I don't know if it really influences women. I have known rich guys who are completely useless because they put all their bets on that, forgetting that what you think of yourself often determines your relationships. And money doesn't change that (that's my opinion). In short, what I can conclude from all these years is that NO: women do not come to you and will not come to you. People still don't care as much, and I'm not just talking about women. Everyone thinks of themselves because everyone has their own life to manage. It always takes a certain amount of effort to meet people.

    However, working on oneself makes it easier to face adversity in your life. And that has greater value than obtaining ephemeral validation from women you don't know. For me, it's a myth. You live in a world where people are indifferent, and most of your relationships are based on the interest you show in people: people stay with you because you bring them something or they have something to gain from you. Now, becoming better allows you to love yourself, and when you love yourself a little more than the day before, you can make better choices. You can be yourself, accept yourself and meet people who love you for who you really are.

    But no, women do not come to you.
    That doesn't mean NO woman will ever make the first move with you, it's just rare and they won't do it because you've become better. People don't see the work you do on yourself, even less so those who don't know you.
    hd47, 500, again and 1 other person like this.
  3. SirQwerty

    SirQwerty Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the response, I really appreciate it. Glad to hear you've been working on yourself! This is a very selfish world, but I'll tell you good work, I understand how hard it can be improving yourself. Keep pushing and level up even more!

    That's helpful to hear, I'm 19 now and didn't want to get my hopes up. I've always been an old soul and never really fit in or had real friends, so I guess we'll just see. I'm at a point where I know what I'm looking for, and will not change my personality to something I'm not just to be in a relationship or have friends, so I'm probably going to be waiting a while. We'll see though.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2023
    again likes this.
  4. Haha. This boy is funy.
  5. Seeking things like Love, feelings, comfort, this is destined to get you one of these independent females. You need to change your values. Your values should be Responsibility, Work, Character, Finance, etc.

    What is it, you didn't have a father to teach you this? @Spiritues
  6. you are my new father ;)
  7. I stopped changing myself to appeal to multiple women. I can do it, I have done it, but that didn't feel right with who I was becoming.

    I left a couple of chics cold, because they didn't change their ways.

    I'm done supplicating to women to get sex or worst "love". I can do better women, I have better things to do.
  8. You are the King, father
  9. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    Women are strange and it's almost impossible for a regular guy to figure out how to make women "come to you." What I found is women like a confident man, that seems to be #1. After that, there's a whole lot of factors that make them attracted to you, but I found if they laugh with me, it's a good sign.

    Lastly, one time when I was in a slump and trying really hard to attract women, I gave up. I didn't care, and I found my indifference towards the women I was speaking to drove them crazy. They started pursuing me more than ever. Weird, but once I stopped caring, they came to me from everywhere. I was dating 5 women at once, all friends with benefits.

    Good luck, if you figure out the answer to your question, please share it. Men for thousands of years have wondered the same thing.
    500 and SirQwerty like this.
  10. SirQwerty

    SirQwerty Fapstronaut

    Honestly I think you already said it... Stop Caring. Work seriously on improving yourself as a man just because you want to be the best version of yourself. You'll automatically become a more interesting person because you're actually working towards your goals, improving yourself, and have stories and wisdom from your journey to share with others.
    nomo likes this.
  11. Your faith in me should be unquestioned.