Do suppliments work or just a waste of $$?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by THATguy, Dec 29, 2013.

  1. THATguy

    THATguy New Fapstronaut

    Hello friends,
    I'm a 20 year old male who has been using internet porn for masturbation spanning from middle school.Since then I have been using it pretty much daily, and more frequently than I'd like to admit sometimes more than once daily. I have been doing some research the past few days, and see a few companies claiming to have natural herbs and supplements to help problems that have risen from over masturbation. I have been going through which has been extremely insightful, but I was wondering if any of these pills are actually beneficial? I'm a broke college student, so I'm not trying to spend $60 dollars on a product that does nothing but line someone's pocket. Any response is greatly appreciated!

    If this has been discussed already I apologize, but a search for 'herbs' an 'supplements' came up dry.

    Also, this is totally unrelated, but I didn't want to start a different thread for this topic alone. I hooked up with this cute girl (my second time ever, first in about two years) and it didn't go to well, which led me to researching through, and luckily she was still understanding and said she wants to see me again. Is this recommended? Or during my reboot should I just stay away from stimulation in general? Thanks again.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2013
  2. aaron92

    aaron92 Fapstronaut


    I don't know about herbs/ stimulants, but I reckon the best way to overcome PMO addiction is to involve yourself with a real woman to help keep your mind away from porn.
  3. Martin Smith

    Martin Smith Fapstronaut

    Hum, how come this girl you "just" hooked-up with knows? Might not be the best first topic you may want to share with her, methinks...
  4. THATguy

    THATguy New Fapstronaut

    Who said I told her about it? I just said it wasn't the most memorable experience for both of us, and she chocked it up to nerves. I know I said any response is appreciated, but if you have a smartass comment you can kindly keep it to yourself 'methinks...'
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2013
  5. THATguy

    THATguy New Fapstronaut

    I guess I should clarify, the supplements aren't supposed to stop the urge of looking at porn, but what they claim is the help reverse the effects of over masturbation. Of course now that I'm asking I can't find the product that was specifically made for excessive masturbation, but ones I have been seeing more commonly are the two listed at the bottom of this site

    and I've read many different places about Shilajit and NF cure. Those are the ones I had questions about. Should I start a new thread in the general noFap board? It appears this one is just to keep track of people's progress(which is a great tool btw)
  6. Alex91

    Alex91 Fapstronaut

    Do it cold turkey. It works for me when I eliminate my addictions. It is much more difficult, but so are the rewards in massive amounts of self-control and awareness. It will definently suck, really suck, however after a while it gets easier and easier. In the end it will be enjoyable in a pride sort of way.

    Supplements have a more placebo like effect. This is both good and bad. You give the credits of your fortune on a drug, rather than yourself. Later on when you face a larger challenge, which most definently life will give you, you will be needing that crutch again. Medication prescribed and recommended may have more of a phisyological effect and more trustworthy, but again the fruit of your mental struggle will be lost. Try doing it independantly.

    These are opinions, experience and thoughts collected here and there, take it or leave it:)

    Good luck on your journey!
  7. Martin Smith

    Martin Smith Fapstronaut

    Hey, sorry if I came looking judgmental on what you did or didn't say. I'm not trying to be a smartass, I just know that we sometimes are clumsy in certain social situations and I wanted to point out that if you care about your relationship, speaking about this particular topic might not be the first thing you want to do. I spoke about that to my girlfriend while it was a few years that we were together and she still took-it hard. But uh, sorry, I shall refrain to post anything in here in the future if you don't want me to...
  8. THATguy

    THATguy New Fapstronaut

    No harm no foul! It's not as much about the P aspect as the MO aspect. I know that everyone get's better with experience, but I was just raised differently than today's norms. Most of my buddies are on number 8+ by their junior year in college, but I'm just not interested in going to a party and targeting the drunkest girl there like some seem to. I know it would be hard not to be bothered if someone I truly care for has had too many partners, but then again pleasing your mate is pretty important these days. I just want to get a little experience without being a total man whore. I apologize for my over reaction, I can see you were just trying to help.