Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by driveplusgrace, Mar 10, 2016.

  1. I'm gonna run with the good habbits and do 14 days of no coffee to see the benefits on my mind. I will however be drinking tea :)
  2. Ok, after further thought I am deciding to get a few weeks of freedom under my belt before the no coffee. It is wisdom to tackle one thing at a time. Caffeine has been a problem in the past but isnt in this season, I drink one cup a day maybe 2. I do eventually want to phase out most coffee to replace with tea though :)
  3. 8 days complete I'm off to bed after a close call. I just watched this video of the Holy Spirit touching people and I got rocked and set free of all the bad thoughts. I want the Spirit of God flowing through me like this I will not grieve the Holy Spirit by sinning.

  4. Coming up on 9 days with no M feel free and pretty good! Looking forward to making this a lifestyle. :)
  5. 9 DAYS! In 9 days I was heavily tempted like 3 times and had about 20-30 easy to overcome urges. The 3 times I was heavily tempted i definitely had to look at keeping my streak as motivation. I have a huge interest and drive for personal development not just for the sake of benefiting my own life but the lives of others. If I was doing this all for me I'd have given up by now, but envisioning how I'll better be able to improve the lives of others is my bigger motivation. I know that God will bless my efforts and even if I dont see superpowers or instant results, this will all be worth it in the long run. Thank you to all who have been an encouragement so far and thank you to those who check up on me here and there, much needed and appreciated :)
  6. 10 DAYS I treated myself to my favorite restaurant :D At 30 days I'm going to do something special, gotta keep the momentum. Part of keeping the momentum is tracking and marking progress. I'd recommend that people wanting victory do an audio journal update for themselves and post it to a a private online app like Evernote. This way you'll be able to go back and hear the tone of your voice and the excitement and livelihood increase as days of freedom accumulate. God will certainly be my main motivation to keep with the hardmode till marriage, its gonna be an adventure!
  7. 11 Days Hard Mode, getting easier. Feeling a bit angry today which is very strange, perhaps its either chemicals in the brain changing or just something spiritual. Hard to say for now, I'll see how tomorrow is and I'm gonna up my prayer time before bed 2night :)
  8. DAY 1 So i didnt watch P or anything but I did give in and M last night. I was distracted all night. My prayer life was distracted so that should have been a sign. I didnt pray in tongues but maybe 10 minutes yesterday and all my efforts seemed to be spend on working out. No study, no meditation, weak prayer, thats the root. After I was done I didnt feel like a failure but I immeadiately came to grips with something, that M is a normal thing that guys struggle with. P might be normal but its destructive and completely unacceptable, and excessive M is also unacceptable and destructive. I havent struggled with excessive M for years, but I want to move towards no M for life. For me its a discipline thing to honor God, I know that by saying no to M and shooting for hardmode, I'll grow myself in areas that cannot be otherwise grown.
  9. Ok so getting a fresh start. Thankful the last time I gave into M I had the willpower to do it will no P or Psubs. I created a counter to track that by itself so I feel that not all progress is lost. God has been reminding me that all progess can never be lost anyways. He is more about progress in ones heart than a streak of days with no sin. As a matter of fact I believe the greater sin this past week has been lack of prayer and internet overuse, not the actual act of M. The enemy had pulled a clever attack, he was somehow able to lure me away from my normal times of prayer but substituting them with more time on this site and with other things. Prayer can never be substituted. I could go 3 years with no M or O at all and have a crappy relationship with God, I'd rather have a close relationship with God even if there were some slip ups. But I do believe alongside a close relationship with Him, slip-ups will be less. The desire to give into the flesh fades when we have a deeper spiritual connection with God. There is definitely something to a streak of clean days and I want a long streak with no M and I want M out of my life. I need help from God and I need people checking up on me as well, I need to use every tool.