Dealing with partners porn addiction

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by YourLocalClown, Apr 7, 2023.

Can porn addiction be permanently overcome?

  1. Yes

    46 vote(s)
  2. No

    6 vote(s)
  1. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    I'm glad to hear you had a nice enjoyable weekend. :)

    What do you think bothers you about the meetings? Could you describe that more?
    KevinesKay likes this.
  2. rejected

    rejected Fapstronaut

    No, I didn't say we should all give up, but a relationship without trust is nothing. This seems to be prevalent. In my case, no, I don't trust him, and why should I? Could that trust be built back up? I don't know, but I'd rather be alone than in a relationship not based on trust.
  3. Newwaters22

    Newwaters22 Fapstronaut

    The problem is that not everyone feels trust the same way. The concept is the same in theory but every person exerts and perceives trust in a different way. For some couples is possible to recover trust and have a functional relationship, and maybe even a stronger relationship than they had before. For some people a lie hurts more than an insult and the other way around.

    I'm not sure what sort of feedback you have been getting from the forum but there are many couples that make it through. This addiction sucks and it causes a lot of pain but there can be happyness through it all.
    melisssa likes this.
  4. rejected

    rejected Fapstronaut

    I'm hearing a lot of women here saying they can't trust their partners, and I completely understand. I'm in the same position. If I can't ever trust him then the relationship is worthless. I don't want to monitor him like he's a toddler. I've always said without trust you have nothing. If you can recover trust, that's excellent. I always give people trust, even strangers, until they have proven themselves unworthy. I feel sorry for people that trust no one. They have no idea of how much positivity they are blocking from their lives. They block out the positive along with the negative.

    I don't want to kick my man to the curb, but I've been going through this for 10 years. What are the odds of things changing? I'm new here, but a lot of what I'm seeing is women don't trust men, and men saying there's nothing their woman can do get them to change. It comes from within.
  5. KevinesKay

    KevinesKay Fapstronaut

    Actions over time equal trust.
    My wife didn't trust me. I didn't even trust myself.
    Yet somehow, my actions (working recovery, allowing God to uncover my selfish ways, and lead me to a better path) are causing change in her view of me. I can sense it. She's trusting me more. I'm trusting myself more. Actions over time.
    Not perfection yet, but it's progress.
    I'll take it.
    ANewFocus, rejected, used19 and 2 others like this.
  6. Real Jerry Seinfeld

    Real Jerry Seinfeld Fapstronaut

    I kind of agree with this. I wouldn't give something up if I didn't want to, unless perhaps I didn't care very much about it. I gave up smoking for my other half but it was no big deal to me. I wouldn't change my religious or political opinions, however, because they do mean something to me.

    If someone doesn't want to change something for you, though, you can always try to convince them to change for themselves. There's a lot of good info on this forum about the psychological, behavioural and health issues associated with excessive pornography and masturbation. There's also the moral component if your other half is high-minded at all. And being able to abstain can appeal to men who fancy themselves as having a bit of grit about them. The idea that it can make you a better lover appeals to 100% of men, I can tell you. You probably know your husband pretty well, I'm sure you'd be able to guess what sort of argument is most likely to land.
  7. YourLocalClown

    YourLocalClown Fapstronaut

    Short update:
    Overall, things are going well. Just got back from my boyfriend's place, and we had planned to discuss some things and revisit certain issues. Earlier, I mentioned he was part of an esoteric school, and only after 1.5 years, he revealed that his ex was also in his previous group of meetings (he's now been in a different group for 2 months). It was a bit of a hassle since I had visited and met the ex during one of their meetings. We talked about it, and I expressed my discomfort that he hadn't shared this earlier. He assured me it wouldn't happen again and that he wouldn't make me feel untrusting or unsafe.

    Today, he mentioned the school has scheduled a working day on Sunday where around 60 members gather to clean and work in the forest where it's located. Initially, it wouldn't have been an issue, but then I realized he expressed wanting to go without considering my feelings (knowing his ex would likely be there) despite our previous discussion. When I mentioned it, he defensively said not going wasn't an option and he couldn't control others' agendas. It made me feel sidelined, unimportant, and not taken seriously, as he was so focused on his own desires and seemed selfish. I put in so much effort and have to tell him what to do, and it really affects me emotionally.

    I felt a bit sad about it, but it's also a different kind of sadness because it's a repeating pattern that shows I can never be a part of his life regarding that school. Those who do nothing for him get the most, while I, who support him through thick and thin, get taken for granted.

    Even though there wasn't an immediate reason, I was there for him tonight to discuss things. Not to accuse but to improve our communication and understanding without becoming defensive. We talked about the roots of his porn addiction, his childhood, and why he behaves that way concerning the school (defensiveness, fear, inability to say no, doing everything for them, etc.).

    I believe he genuinely doesn't care about his ex, but that's not the point.
    @Warfman coming back to your question:
    The fact that he withheld information and I had to confront it, express how it affected me, have a conversation, and get an apology with the promise of safety and consideration, only to hear so many reasons tonight about why he would still go, even though it's optional. Wherry's the safety and the promise? And this alongside his whole porn reboot thing. It feels like others always come first, and I'll always have to fight for him, while he only cares about his own needs and feelings.

    Any advice on this?
  8. CrushedandLeaving

    CrushedandLeaving Fapstronaut

    I'm going to come out of left field. I just googled esoteric school.
    So this is like....a woowoo school? "Ageless wisdom", secrets of "the cosmos"? Implications that knowledge about time and space can ONLY come from "esoteric school"? This has huge Tom Cruz cult vibes all over it.
    Dude could get the same/more accurate information about space science by taking an online class from a community college.

    So is he getting defensive and blowing you off to....go hang out with a cult?
    YourLocalClown and KevinesKay like this.
  9. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    Glad you were able to do this. This definitely can take a lot of practice to be good at.

    So do you feel that him going to any event the ex goes to is off limits? From this it sounds like that's what you are saying. I totally get the way you feel about the information being withheld and the distrust you are experiencing. Is there a path to allowing him to go and you feel comfortable? It's obviously important activity for him or he wouldn't be so insistent on going.
    YourLocalClown likes this.
  10. YourLocalClown

    YourLocalClown Fapstronaut

    I don't prohibit him from not going... because besides his meeting, he does participate in other activities such as grocery shopping and working with 2 other people on the school's website. He has this urge even when it comes to something insignificant, like the cat story I mentioned earlier. We've discussed his fear related to the school and the behaviors stemming from it, the strange behavior he noticed in himself - not being honest, feeling compelled to solve people's problems, seeking approval, wanting confirmation, being unable to say no due to fear of judgment, and so on. So it's not just about "the school is important to me or I like being there," it runs deeper and comes from somewhere, as certain behaviors are not okay.

    He's defending his territory (the school), fearing something will be taken away from him. He goes on the defensive (sometimes saying things unrelated), attempting to keep that fear outside his territory with certain suggestions that stem from a deeper place. I'll delve further into this in my next post. We'll be working on this in the coming weeks, hence the weekly communication sessions to discuss things.

    Regarding Sunday, the working day, he's been feeling a bit down these past few days, which is normal during the reboot and just a part of life—feeling a bit off is more than normal. What you see happening is: he feels bad, that's an emotion, he doesn't embrace it, but instead runs from it. He finds something, in this case, he escapes to the working day to make himself feel better, similar to his past porn behavior. His brain processes this differently, especially during the reboot when things are more sensitive. It's about not feeling good, so he has to feel good. After the working day, he'll feel better and won't have that emotion anymore. Next time, there will be another working day, he doesn't feel good, so he goes again. Just like with porn, he doesn't feel good and runs away from those emotions, training his brain to avoid feelings. As @hope4healing mentioned, it's important to get to the root of the problem.

    I do a lot for him, helping with his struggles, assisting in his work, and being open to hearing about his school experiences. I cook and care for him, support his reboot, and dedicate a day each week for communication. Despite the lies and omissions, I'm there for HIM. Isn't it reasonable for me to share my feelings about the working day with him, especially when it doesn't sit well with me and gives me a bad feeling, even though he said he wouldn't do it?

    Why is it so hard for him to support me and make this situation less challenging, rather than not valuing it and failing to recognize that it's not something to be assumed? The entire process revolves around his needs, and I'm consistently offering my support throughout the reboot. Is it not fair to ask for this? It genuinely impacts me, leading to inner sadness.
  11. YourLocalClown

    YourLocalClown Fapstronaut

    Today, I read some journals from SO and it really had an impact on me. I had a strange feeling in my throat while reading, especially a post by @Psalm27:1my light about ending their relationship. It's heartbreaking to read that despite all the effort, it didn't work out. I shared this with my BF and explained how it affected me.

    I also recalled the day before yesterday, Sunday a working day f that school, feeling like my emotions aren't truly understood or taken seriously as a partner. He seems to do his own thing without considering my feelings. It's almost like being ignored...

    So, I told him that I realize I truly need his support in this, just like I'm always there for him, even in these tough situations. I hope he can be there for me without causing me these unpleasant anxious feelings, given the difficulties we're already dealing with. I hoped he could provide me with that warmth and security, and we could let go of the whole issue from Sunday instead of dwelling on it.

    He said, "I understand how it feels. I assure you, I'm not ignoring you. I support you. Unfortunately, those anxious feelings are a product of the process. They've walked in and made themselves at home, just like my addiction. You need to show them the door."

    He also invited me to take over his daily planning and join him for a month. That way, I could experience how the routine balances my life and makes me stronger and more resilient.

    I responded, explaining that my feelings stem from past experiences (the lies, withholding information, getting defensive even when he's wrong, a mild form of gaslighting, and so on.)

    He promised that there wouldn't be room for other issues and that I'd feel this way. Despite everything, I'm still here for him. It's up to him to fulfill those promises and truly make me feel safe. I trusted him completely, and that trust has been broken a few times, which hurts.

    It seems like he's saying everything is normal, but it doesn't feel that way to me. It's not about my problems or addiction. It's about him aligning his actions with his words. That's what gives me a true sense of safety, something I can't create alone.

    This conversation felt defensive and focused on my needs, considering others again. I asked him one small thing throughout the process, just one thing. To consider my feelings!? Why does he act this way? Why doesn't he see it, and why the defensive behavior and insistence? It's really odd. He's pushing me further away with this because he's revealing more and more of his true self.

    Is that too much to ask for, alongside everything I do for him? We talked, but it went the same way. I asked if he would go to the working day on Sunday. He replied he hasn't decided yet because if he says yes, we won't have a pleasant conversation. He suggested we find alternative solutions, like him coming home earlier, but that's not the point... Eventually, I got angry and fed up. He isn't there for me, letting me suffocate and drown in emotions he's responsible for. Right now, I feel so angry and sad about this. :(

    What do you make of this ? @hope4healing
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2023
  12. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    I'm glad to hear you are ok with him going because if you restrict him it will lead to some added resentment. Based on what you are saying, I think he feels like you are going to tell him no. So there's possibly a misunderstanding there, there also is the possibility he just doesn't think he should "have to" ask your permission.

    I think I understand what is hurting you so bad, correct me if I'm wrong. What really upsets you is that generally in all things when he has issues like you've described he goes somewhere else to feel better rather than coming to you and that hurts you deeply as you desire him to come to you when he has troubles in life. I totally understand and have experienced that, and it does hurt.

    I don't think though that it's a definite sign that's directly related to P. It of course could be, but it isn't 100 percent certain. What I mean is even if he does actually recover from P, he may still do this. My wife actually does this in ways. She will confide in her brother or sister and exclude me it hurts because it makes me feel like I'm not worth confiding in for example, rarely does she come to me when she's sad. What I've learned is there isn't much I can do about it unfortunately. We can't do much to change someone else's personality. As you continue working with this issue, be mindful of this possibility and decide if it's something you can deal with or not, because some of this may never get better.

    On the other side, I think it's important to acknowledge that its a good thing for him to have things he and you enjoy outside the relationship. Hopefully by having your weekly talks things can get better. One thing I think I should mention is, try and not make everything his fault or "his addictions fault" even if it's 100 percent truth nobody likes being blamed for everything. The only way he can change is if he decides to do it himself.

    Wishing you the best.
    YourLocalClown likes this.
  13. YourLocalClown

    YourLocalClown Fapstronaut

    I think you understand me partially. I’ ve known this for longer than just today. If it happens once, that behavior tends to resurface the next time, especially now in this process. On the other hand, I've been grappling with my emotions. He used to attend that meeting (esoteric school) where his ex was also present. I had no idea about this for about 1.5 years, and he never told me until I brought up the subject suddenly. I can't recall exactly how we got onto that topic. He even invited me to those meetings once, and I went. However, he didn't mention that his ex would be there. The issue is that I expressed my discomfort about it affecting me, and on the same night he disclosed it, he promised to understand that what he did wasn't right and he was aware of its impact on me. He assured me he'd be considerate and not hurt me. And the day before yesterday, he suddenly says again, "I want to go to the working day (where his ex might be again), do you understand me a bit? He is ignoring my feelings? If he genuinely cared about me and truly wanted to create a safe and supportive environment, he would have taken this into account and addressed it proactively, because he knows how it affects me. But all I hear is him saying he wants to go to that working day, how he's been feeling low the past few days, and so on. All these excuses to go, but no consideration for my feelings. He's just selfishly choosing himself... how can I build a future with someone of such character? In a relationship, it's only natural to consider each other's feelings, especially now during his reboot, which is actually his issue…

    Someone who can't even choose me or take my needs seriously... even though I'm not asking him to give up everything or to go.
    I hear you suggesting I should do what? I can't ignore my feelings and pretend they don't affect me, especially not for his sake. I'm not demanding too much from him; I'm participating in his reboot, and despite everything, I'm there for him. Could you also suggest things he could do? He can attend his meeting and engage in other activities alongside, I'm not stopping him. Someone who truly wants it, wants it! You don't need to say "do this, do that" a thousand times for that. A few years ago, he used to go there every day. At some point, one of those teachers there made the remark, "Why do you say yes? You don't always have to say yes."

    The only thing I want from him is to consider my feelings and take them seriously. He withheld information about his ex (it's not about the ex or jealousy); the lying, the lack of honesty, it affects me... even though he knows how it affects me, even though we're in a reboot, he still chooses other things. I know him in this regard. In my previous post, I mentioned that he deleted and blocked all social media like Instagram and Facebook, which he did on his own initiative. Then he quit his previous job and potentially took over a client's Google ads, but that client also wanted him to manage Instagram ads, etc. (this wasn't part of his job; he could have declined). I didn't think it was a good idea, contradictory in nature. On one hand, you block everything, knowing these are triggers, and on the other hand, you reintroduce them into your life... I thought along with him; he could create a quote and clearly state that social media isn't his expertise. Even then, he got defensive, even though I tried hard to have a conversation, to think together with him, he chose that assignment.
    Eventually, the man invited him for a business lunch and asked him to detail how he'd approach things in writing. My boyfriend did that, and it was a trap; he gave away too much information, and eventually, he heard nothing back from the man. When he tried calling and reaching out, the man said he's not interested anymore. Do you get what I mean? He chose to go ahead with it, knowing it would cost him his relationship, me, and his reboot. In the end, he realized he can be a big fool sometimes.

    Perhaps I might come across a bit distant, and it's definitely not personal towards you. I genuinely find it very bothersome. I hope you can understand from my perspective what I'm feeling and experiencing, and I can't just ignore that unpleasant feeling caused by his actions and pretend everything is okay; that wouldn't solve anything. When things remain unspoken and are brushed aside, they keep coming back every time and they grow bigger.. I'm there for him at all times too, no matter what happens. He knows very well, especially now in his reboot and all the PMO issues, that he has my full support. Because if he truly understands that, then we can make this work and a beautiful, loving outcome can arise from our collaboration.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2023
    Newwaters22 and Warfman like this.
  14. KevinesKay

    KevinesKay Fapstronaut

    I think you know that you didn't cause this.

    But what if I told you that you cannot change him, cure him, or control him?

    And thus, what if I told you that all these efforts you're doing to support and help HIM are futile and destined to fail, leaving you more resentful and angry?

    What if I told you that all this energy that's being wasted on HIM could be redirected somewhere else that stands a better chance of return? And that would be towards someone that matters more, which would be YOU?

    What if I told you that he has acquired a disease that he can't cure in his own. And it's not going to go away on its own. And the symptoms of that are lust, MB, porn, sexual acting out? (I'm not excusing his behavior. His addiction stems from his selfishness and self-centeredness. Not the other way around)

    What if I told you that you've also acquired a disease due to his behavior? And the symptoms are obsessing, anxiety, fear, bitterness, resentment, unforgiveness? And that's not going to go away on its own? And that you'll need help for yourself?

    And what if I told you that if he were to be completely healed, that wouldn't fix you at all? That his healing is completely independent of yours? Fixing him or leaving him won't fix you. It will only hide some of the symptoms.

    Get into an S-Anon meeting. Or COSA, or Al-Anon, or Celebrate Recovery. People there offer wisdom and tools to get healing and discover happiness.
  15. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    I definitely understand the frustration here. It makes you wonder if he would have ever told you if he hadn't had to. He waited until the last minute. And if that's something he can't fix on his own, this feeling you have will never change no matter how hard you try to help him.

    It seems he doesn't understand that what you want is him to at least consult you before deciding to go these new changes with the school. Or really any decision he makes, your asking him to include you in things. You aren't telling him he can't go. That is very reasonable of you. But he still feels like you are going to tell him he can't. All you can really do is try and express what would satisfy that need for you and hope he makes good decisions. He has to get over that issue of defensiveness you described.

    @KevinesKay is saying what I think in a much more direct way. You are going above and beyond trying to help. But, nothing can get better if he doesn't want to change. Only you can decide what is acceptable and what isn't for you.

    I hope he can change for both your sakes. Continue being open and as direct as you can with him. If he needs someone to talk to tell him to feel free to DM me and I'd try to help.

    Please understand I'm not trying to tell you all the things you can do, and saying he has nothing he needs to do. But as I'm talking to you and not him I'm more focused on you. So if you feel like I'm saying any of this is your fault I am not at all intending to say that.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2023
    YourLocalClown likes this.
  16. I can understand why you would be frustrated when he said this. It's gaslighting. First, he doesn't understand how you feel, and he basically is ignoring your feelings. He might be listening to you say them, but he isn't taking them into consideration. He isn't supporting you. One thing I agree with, though, is regardless of whether he's abstaining from acting out or not, it's evident that his addictive way of thinking is still very much "at home." He can't expect you to just 'decide' to not be anxious anymore just because it's inconvenient for him and because he told you not to feel that way, especially when he's still doing things that are reflective of his addiction.

    I don't know what he's even getting at here. Whether you take over his daily planning or not, that doesn't address the problem. If what he's doing balanced your life and made you stronger and more resilient, you'd already know it. So, clearly, what he thinks he's accomplishing is an illusion. I don't know what you taking over is supposed to help unless he thinks that would make you see how he's supposedly doing all these things for you. But, it still wouldn't do what you're asking which is to take your feelings into consideration.

    Even though he probably knows this is true, he's pretending like it isn't. It's easier for him to think that you're creating all your own worries and fears out of no where and that it has nothing to do with him.

    Again, where's he going with this? He shouldn't promise there won't be "room for other issues" when he isn't even addressing the current ones. You will "feel this way" until he stops giving you a reason to "feel this way"...or until you leave and do your own healing without him.

    Well, it isn't normal to feel ignored and unsupported by your partner. But, I don't think he trying to imply it's normal...I think he's actually trying to imply that it's more your fault that you feel the way you do and less his. And, he is completely ignoring the fact that his words do not align with his actions. And, regardless of anything else...addict or not...that is cause for concern. Someone whose actions and words contradict is not someone trustworthy.

    It sounds like he's saying that he actually has decided, but he doesn't want to tell you that because he doesn't want to deal with you being upset. He wants you to be the one to budge without him having to because, very clearly, he's not considering your feelings about this. It's not like you're asking him to drop the whole esoteric school thing altogether. You're not trying to stop him from doing everything he wants to do. You're asking for compromise, but he isn't interested in that. He wants what he wants, and maybe he hopes you'll finally give in and quit asking for your feelings to be considered involving this.

    I understand how much it hurts when your partner is thinking of everyone else's feelings but yours...when they are willing to bend over backwards for everyone else's request but not your own. And, it's all because they don't want to disappoint others because of how they'll feel about themselves. It just sucks that it doesn't seem to bother them when they disappoint us. That is much easier, I guess.
  17. Newwaters22

    Newwaters22 Fapstronaut

    As I was reading your latest updates I started feeling a bit uneasy. I don't want to sugar coat my thoughts and I wouldn't call it advice but I hope I can say anything of use. It seems to me that he tends to gas light and manipulate. The fact that he was attending those meetings were his ex was is a bit of a red flag to me. What was the intention behind that? Not suggesting he was cheating but what was that addict brain of his saying then? Was there some sort of fantasy? Doesn't mean he was going to try to accomplish anything, but was there something giving him a bit of a rush? Also, if it wasn't linked, why hide it? There has to be either shame, guilt, embarrassment or something like that to hide, this is not a minor detail...

    It also sounds to me that he is willing to give up porn but not what may be causing the real issues, addressing the root of the problem. To me, that he deflects, gaslights and manipulates reflects lack of compromise. To you and to the "reboot". You have to be selfish to be able to achieve it, but selfish in a good way if that makes sense. Selfish as being accountable and honest before everything. But there has to be a balance, he is still sharing a life with you. Expecting for him to turn 180° in his behaviour towards you its not reasonable but asking him to show compromise towards you is. You are not asking for consequences, what you are asking is for him to listen when you say please don't do this because it hurts me and the answer you are getting is you need to learn to cope with your pain better. Basically he is saying you need to learn to cope with my behaviour better. Like someone said before, he is showing patterns that may be not related to the addiction.

    Maybe, just maybe you are trying way to hard to help him and he is taking you for granted. Again take what I say with a grain of salt, I'm just a dude on the internet but think about yourself too, every time you put your pain away for him it's new scar that you carry. For him to not acknowledge that is pretty serious. He is asking for a lot without giving anything back, and super cliché but you cannot change him, he has to change himself. Without acknowledgement of this issues there is no chance for progress, giving up P is not enough. If my wife said hey drop the esoteric group, I would probably grumble but do it because I appreciate her more than anything and because she has show me over and over again that when my vision was compromised by the addiction I could trust her because she had my best interest at heart and for that I trust her blindly. I understand he has an issue, I do, if anything I understand his side better but at some point you have to put your foot down. A little bit of tough love and a reality check can go a long way. Not everything can be understanding, a lot has to be boundaries. Specially with addicts, boundaries boundaries, boundaries, accountability and honesty. He needs to understand he can lose a lot more than just time if you are not taken seriously.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2023
  18. Real Jerry Seinfeld

    Real Jerry Seinfeld Fapstronaut

    The hidden presence of the ex is the main cause of concern. He's hidden it because he was worried you'd react badly to it and ask him to stop attending. He's not going to voluntarily offer to stop attending or whatever it is you're after, no matter how many times you ask him to consider your feelings, so you either make it a hard line or get used to it.
    YourLocalClown and KevinesKay like this.
  19. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    To me this sounds like a covert contract. If "he" allows "her" to be responsible for his daily planning then there's no reason she should be upset with him in his mind. Unfortunately that won't change the feeling for @YourLocalClown that he's not considering her feelings because the action of considering her feelings is still being neglected. It may be an attempt to shirk any responsibility for needing to do any of that. IDK just a thought.
  20. YourLocalClown

    YourLocalClown Fapstronaut

    Yesterday, we spent almost half a day discussing the issue. I really hoped we could resolve it. I shared my perspective with him, including his responses. I printed them out, and we went over everything. I was hoping he would understand me, embrace my feelings, and create a sense of safety and warmth

    Luckily, we managed to have a regular conversation about it. I had to keep emphasizing that it was about my emotions and the impact they had on me.

    What caught my attention in his story was when he mentioned, "I want my feelings to count too. It really gets to me that I can't experience the regular workday anymore." He's concerned about giving too much and feeling like something is being taken away, especially since he relies on that routine at home while working remotely and doesn't have much else going on in the context of a workday involving 50 people.

    He wants his emotions to be recognized as well. He suggested a middle ground by suggesting we keep the workday once a month, but the main issue isn't that, and I didn't agree with it.

    In the end, I told him this doesn't have to be difficult: "I have a feeling, something hurts me, I come to you hoping you'll embrace it and say, 'Sweetheart, I'm here for you. Don't worry, I won't go because your feelings matter to me, and I don't want to hurt you.I know it's tough, and I'm aware that my brain tends to get hooked on things (thankfully, he acknowledged that). It's about this feeling of loss, loneliness, and giving in too much. I'd love to hear from you that this won't last forever, that it won't cast a shadow over my entire workday. It's not about the specifics or a particular date, but hearing this would give me a reassuring boost to address this issue and its roots." If he had said something like this, it would have been ideal. His initial response would show he takes my feelings seriously, and then he could honestly admit that he finds it challenging. He would want to hear something that guides him in tackling the problem. I would've felt so proud, and it would've marked the first step toward regaining mental stability and trust.

    He mentioned that if he were to compromise and give me what I want, he would still see himself as the wretched sinner, the desperate addict who's worthless. He'd also worry about losing a part of what he cares about most in his life (that school). He explained that if I were to leave eventually, it would leave him with two empty spaces in his heart. The feeling is something we can work on together, but I'm putting my entire future on the line, something I've never been certain about...

    It made me sad that, after everything, I still had the feeling that he wasn't embracing my emotions and that we were left hanging again. So, I decided to step away from the reboot and not support him in it anymore. He didn't take that well. I explained it's because my feelings aren't being taken seriously, and it hurts, in addition to the pain from the whole situation. Of dat een goede keuze is geweest dat weet ik niet..

    He needed time to let it sink in, read the answers, and have a clear understanding before saying anything "stupid" since he was very emotional. I was fine with that. So we'll see.

    Any advice is welcome.
    rejected and Newwaters22 like this.