day 41. some things i noticed.

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by TheCarver, Apr 20, 2024.

  1. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    firstly, i been on a clean, no edging streak. and it seems like its easier so far to control urges and my withdrawals were so bad when i was edging vs now it ain’t that bad. i did get headaches, anxiety attacks, and panic attacks, though i am not 100 percent sure if all of that is due to withdrawals or my excessive intake of energy drinks… because i think i am alot sensitive to caffeine.

    however another thing i noticed, i never got a wet dream 5 days after my first one, this normal and not a setback to my streak? i been keeping track and i got my first one at day 36 then another one at day 41, and yes i was fantasizing about having sex but i cant have a “no fantasizing at all” streak. it would just would be wayy… too difficult to pull off. unless somehow i get no urges at all during the whole 90 days im supposed to do this… yeah, not happening. unless i were to do 24 fasts every single day which is not recommended (health risks) really effective killing your urges towards the end of the day when your body will be hungry again and want food. during the day though in the morning, its already well fed until you begin your fast so you’ll still be horny and have urges. just something i been experimenting with and noticed.

    but im really hoping to gain some benefits out of this like being more social, no social anxiety, and more confidence with being around strangers, approaching women, ect. because right now i kind of struggle just saying “hi” to any random stranger i see, i wonder if this is due to masturbating taking a toll on my health or just something that was there since i was a kid. i dont know. with all the success stories i heard about on here with people having increased confidence and no f’s given (most likely due to a higher testosterone) its left me both skeptical and hopeful at the same time. skeptical because of all the people that masturbate every single day and they are still able to have relationships, social skills, and being confident.

    so thats why i dont know if this is all just a waste of my time.
    Itsuki likes this.
  2. if the addiction is destroying your life...and your're not waisting your time....PROVIDED that you're synchronized into the program....
  3. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    not really. its not like it’s affecting me to the point im not coming in to work or school and instead i just jerk off for hours. but i would say 4 to 5 times is excessive in my case, so its probably best just to quit it like anything else you get addicted to.