Day 1- The prologue

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by TheRealNitin, Apr 4, 2023.

  1. TheRealNitin

    TheRealNitin Fapstronaut

    -- Prologue --

    I'm 15 years old. Just finished my Class 10 academics. I heard about NoFap about 2 months ago. Was intrigued by the idea that this community endorses. Decided to join it. Now, lets get towards my story..

    I am nothing in this world. Nothing. Fat, 0 social life, Above average academics, Multiple friendships broken as i found out they were fake and worse of all.. Fat-shamed.

    I am planning to start my "Glow-Up" phase tomorrow 8 am onwards (yes a little specific). I am going to stay in a boarding school after a month and wanted to change myself before i go there. No specific reason. Just want to. I have a belief: "Become the best version of myself". I would stop at nothing until i achieve that. Nothing short of my ultimate goal. Everyone around me said I wouldn't reach anywhere. I want to prove them wrong. Hell, I don't even care about them. I'm currently 78 kg and 175 cm tall. So u can imagine what it is. I am slightly muscular. But that's just hormone muscles. Fapping at least 5 times a day. My organ dosen't even feel anything now. I just do it for the routine Feel like shit. Lets move on to my routine now..

    The 21 days streak flair is gone. I have relapsed. Tommorow is a new beginning. I am restarting my life as I am going to a new environment.. not affected by anyone.

    --The Routine--

    NoFap from 4th April 2023 till the rest of my life (only PM)

    Get up at 8 am in the morning

    Minimum 4-5 hours of walking a day ( mixing with a bit of jogging)

    Minimum 1.5-2 hours of intense cardio everyday (including strength training)

    Minimum 1.5-2 hours of Shadowboxing (I am going to learn it)

    Facial exercise to remove my face fat

    Meditation to control my emotions and my mind.


    Want to become successful and that does not include the number of followers on social media. I am not affected by those.

    Want to help those who cannot help themselves.

    Want to achieve my goals. I want to make my goals my top priority.


    I hope you guys can help me with my journey. I want to make the best out of the time I have.

    I plan to learn new skills such as Chess, MMA, Drawing, Tennis etc. etc.

    Can I do it? Idk. Time will tell

    Thanks for reading this.

    I will update my progress soon. I wont be able to when I go to the boarding school as gadgets are not allowed there. But when I come back I will update it
    Ketherlonk likes this.
  2. TheRealNitin

    TheRealNitin Fapstronaut

    Day 1

    Just finished 1 hr 50 mins workout.(1km Jogging+walking+cardio+core excercises)
    Need to do another 1hr shadowboxing during the evening.
    I was 78 kg when i started out.
    Now i'm 77 kg.
    Dont believe me? Ya me2
    Can I survive this? Hell ya
    Ketherlonk likes this.