Dating with PIED... soul destroying

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by theway1002, Sep 22, 2023.

  1. theway1002

    theway1002 Fapstronaut

    I have PIED. I'm currently "rebooting", but I have a long recovery ahead of me.

    I don't why, but on a whim I fired up a dating app. I guess I was feeling lonely. Also after being celibate for so long, I guess I just wanted female attention, I guess selfishly to gain some validation as a man... I guess I just wanted to feel that I had some shred of connection to my manhood... that I wasn't a total eunuch, that I could connect with a woman.

    Be that as it may, my life is a blessing and a curse: I actually get a lot of great matches on dating apps. But the whole sexual impotence thing is, you guessed it, the curse which puts a damper on things.

    I matched with a very pretty and cool girl and we had a great date last night. She really likes me and wants to see me again...

    But there's no way I can form a relationship with her at the moment. The inability to be intimate with her is too humiliating and embarrassing for me to face and bear. I'm not ready to open up about it with her (or any woman), I want to first let myself recover from ED.

    I'm going to have to break it off with this great girl before we progress too far. And for such a fucking embarrassing, awful, depressing, STUPID reason.

    But worst of all, I feel like I used this poor girl to gain some validation for myself. If PIED didn't make me feel bad enough, I also now just feel like a bad person. I don't want to do that again.

    Thank you listening, I needed to get this off my mind.
    Warrior4Freedom likes this.
  2. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    Go get some medicine for ED. There is no reason to suffer from ED today with all the great medicine that's available. As your brain heals and your confidence grows you can take much less ED medicine and at your age I would say you will not need it at all. However until that day comes, I would get on the ED medicine and get out there to enjoy the women who like you.
  3. Khri$$ Javan

    Khri$$ Javan Fapstronaut

    I would avoid medicine or pills its gonna make your ED worse. I would mix up ur diet a little bit drink plenty of water, exercise is the most important key. Or be creative. Get cock ring or penis pump it will help with the blood flow. You have to continually repeat this process. It will take month(s) but its so worth it so maybe you should fall back until you get yo mans working down they're
    The Abstainer likes this.
  4. hhh999

    hhh999 Fapstronaut

    I don't think the medicine will make it worse.
  5. Warrior4Freedom

    Warrior4Freedom Fapstronaut

    Continue seeing her if you like each other; just hold off on the S and let her know you're not ready yet. She'll likely love you for that too. No need to go into details until you feel safe enough to be more vulnerable in communication.
    The Abstainer likes this.
  6. theway1002

    theway1002 Fapstronaut

    What medicine specifically? I tried ED pills when I was in my 20s and it was NOT the miracle drug I was hoping it would be... My understanding is ED pills, etc is for blood flow problems, my issue is a fried reward center.
    The Abstainer likes this.
  7. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    My understanding is ED pills, etc is for blood flow problems, my issue is a fried reward center.[/QUOTE]
    Correct about the blood flow problems, I don't know enough about a fried reward center. I take Tadalafil 5 MG, its a generic for banned word on this site that starts with a C. Maybe you can go to a urologist, they specialize in this area.
    Good luck
  8. The Abstainer

    The Abstainer Fapstronaut

    Hey bro, I'm in the same boat as you. Had sex once with a girl (ex but we dated for three years and trusted each other). Could barley get it up for the condom and was a two pump chump. Felt terrible because I thought maybe if I performed at a certain level she would come back but instead I was full of shame as she was unimpressed. Now our relationship was strained at this point , she already made it known she had feeling for a guy after a month of us breaking up and I let this control me. Take a deep breath and just take it slow. If you like the girl, talk to her about it. Just that your not ready for sex yet, if she is worth it she will respect your decision and let you lead. Communication is key to building a relationship in all facets. Some more practical advice would be get good with what you have. Oral can be more effective than penetration and toys exist for a reason. Woman's anatomy is weird and complicated while guys are simple. We have bop-its and they have rubic's cubes. If you end up finishing before her or want to have some intimacy see they toys are a supplement, a tool for your arsenal when having sex. I know it can feel like you failed because she has to use that tool but take yourself out of it and focus on her and making her feel good. Also remember that sex only accounts for a small fraction of time in our lives. A relationship is built on mutual respect and loyalty. You can build a fulfilling relationship while you reboot, don't let this issue keep you from talking to a girl you like.
  9. kenshin81

    kenshin81 Fapstronaut

    ED pills works in physical terms, when you "send" the input to the thing below but the blood flow is not enough or you loose the erection quickly. But if you have the problem in the "brain" (for too much dopamine, reward center, lacking libido and so on) you can't even start the erection, and so the ED pills doesn't do anything at all.
  10. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    Agreed that the brain is the most powerful of the two organs and can prevent the ED medication from working as it should. I think accomplishing some goals like no PMO, working out in a gym, or whatever changes one can make to improve should help with the confidence needed to be a tiger in bed. The ED medication will still be needed initially, but barring any medical conditions, besides old-age, a healthy sex life should be obtainable for all.
  11. theway1002

    theway1002 Fapstronaut

    How long of no PMO is recommended before trying sex again? I feel like a worst case scenario and that I'll need at least one year of celibacy/no PMO....
  12. kenshin81

    kenshin81 Fapstronaut

    If the PMO gave you ED, unless you resolve the ED (and/or use ED pills, but not at the beginning, since it will probably not work), it'll be quite hard to have a complete sexual intercourse. The time needed for the reboot strongly depends on how much you abused of PMO in the past and how much severe is your ED. A lot of users says that being intimate with a real girl is still useful to speedup the process.
  13. theway1002

    theway1002 Fapstronaut

    Can the damage be permanent? Are the cases of guys who never recover, even with strict no PMO?
  14. kenshin81

    kenshin81 Fapstronaut

    I personally can't answer your questions, because I don't have that experience.
    The brain is quite plastic so it should reboot, but younger people are prone to reboot faster. There are, however, references of guys who took a couple of years to reboot completely.
  15. theway1002

    theway1002 Fapstronaut

    Do you have any links to the multiple year cases? That's really discouraging.

    When I first started this recovery process years ago, I was told that recovery would happen in 2 weeks. Then it became 90 days. Then 6 months. Then 2 years. And now multiple years? Wtf.
  16. kenshin81

    kenshin81 Fapstronaut

    You can see a lot of reports from ybop (your brain on porn). Honestly speaking, I never heard of just two weeks to be enough for a full reboot. I always read about 90 days as a minimum.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2023
  17. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    I don't know if anyone can answer that, we are all different, and a lot of what addiction affects is the brain. Once the brain is involved, it's a somewhat unique solution for each of us.
    Personally, I didn't go the celibate route. I stopped watching porn completely, while I reduced the amount that I MO'ed. My goal is still No Porn and to reduce MO to the minimum. By not watching porn and reducing MO, I was able to have a much more intimate relationship with my wife. My ED is almost 100% cured, although I do like ED pills. I'm 65-years old and ED is common for older men.
  18. possiblyLifeChanging

    possiblyLifeChanging Fapstronaut

    Greetings. I just wanted to point my oppinion as a 22 yo with PIED and do my bit to solve your problem, at least in a theorical sense.

    The first question you should ask yourself is "Why wouldn't you date girls having had or having ED rn?"
    My point is that if you don't feel confident enough to open up to love depiste having a big flaw such as this... Then most likely it's a confidence // mental issue that paradoxically ends up in ED.

    There are 2 types of ED. Physical related and mentally related.
    Assuming you aren't +50 +60 yo in which case taking ED pills would be justified...
    It's likely to be a mental issue ED.

    Taking that into account you should ask the following question:
    1. Do i have ED becouse of porn?
    2. Do i have ED becouse of some mental condition that produces ED?
    Which would lead to:
    3. Do i have some induced self-belive that porn is causing my problems which i use as an excuse to not solve other aspects of my life?

    Do you imagine yourself having sex with your loved one coming back home after a big loose? Such as loosing a match of < some sport> or loosing your job, not getting your promotion, not passing x or y exam... OF COURSE NOT, YOU WOULD FEEL LIKE SHIT

    So what happens when you feel like shit? You feel like YOU WANNA HAVE INTERCOURSE TO GET RID OF IT... But in the end you can't lie
    to yourself. You don't feel confident in having that sex becouse you didn't "earn it" or "this is not the moment".


    Focus on being ok based on your own definition of being ok!!!!!

    If being OK for you means working out 5 times a week, having 4 jobs, earning 4000$/ month and chatting with 5 girls that's your own bare minimum perception. For others it might just be having a job or getting their exams passed.

    Just try to be OK based on your own definition ( probably implies not doing PMO ) and you will get rid of PIED.

    PD: my perception is that all the NoFap is like a "mental trap". What should be considered as a potential boost for one self gratification in sex ends up in the self conviction of a MUST DO IN ORDER TO HAVE PROPER SEX thing.
    No dude. You just readed too much shit about it to the point you convinced yourself of it. Now in order to be ok you will have to do
    whatever you had to do before + noFap.

    Anyways wish you luck :)
  19. Aldo_29

    Aldo_29 Fapstronaut


    I want tell you that im 100% like y man. 2,5 year aho i said to myself that i will end with this first and than i will live my life. And i just can't do it i another order i just can't and it killing me... i lost much time analyzing this..and i understand that its fu#### ego, its somethingpsychological. ..its very strong..tell me how are you doing now?? How much time are y rebooting? Did y had already painful headaches??