Daily Journal

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by richardlessman, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. richardlessman

    richardlessman Fapstronaut

    Hey guys!

    Staying strong and moving forward. 15 days under my belt without a single peek. Now that might not sound like a great feat in itself but when looking at my past thats unbelievable and I'm not going to be going back at all. I'm the guy that would edge and peek all the time and then try to stop myself telling myself that since I didn't have a full blown session and orgasm that I was better off than if I had. That's a lie, it's all the same shit and it's all really fucked up and edging and peeking has probably caused me more issues than had I just gone all the way every time because it eats at you again and again and you just want another peek.

    This is it guys, no quitting, no peeking, no giving in.

    Good bye dopamine addiction, hello the rest of my life!

    Keep fighting,
  2. richardlessman

    richardlessman Fapstronaut

    17 days down and still making progress. I feel like the last few days have been fairly easy honestly and it's exciting to see how I can deal with some of the realities of life without relying on PMO to keep me numb all the time. I've realized that porn is not something I can every play with, it's something I should never even go near, I can't control it and never will be able to. It controlled me. Onwards to freedom!

    Keep fighting,
  3. EverettSmith14

    EverettSmith14 Fapstronaut

    Hi Rman

    Correct! It must be expunged from your life. And that's a good thing. Life is so much better without it.

  4. richardlessman

    richardlessman Fapstronaut

    18 days down and still feeling good. It's amazing how you learn to deal with emotions when you're not numb to everything all the time. Did you know there's stuff in your life that you probably don't like at all but while using PMO to medicate yourself all the time you are two numb to realize it. You'll never change what you tolerate and I can't tolerate being addicted to Dopamine.

    Stay strong, don't give in, I have a couple of alone periods this weekend which are normally triggers for me but I've planned my entire weekend with activities that will keep me busy during these times.

    Fight on,
  5. richardlessman

    richardlessman Fapstronaut

    20 days down and moving forward. Had a bit of a panic attack today and felt myself trying to get around my internet blocker. Luckily I didn't and saw nothing. I feel like that's tools working exactly as they should work.

    Won't happen again, but that is way to close for comfort. Keep fighting guys, there will be good days and bad days.
  6. richardlessman

    richardlessman Fapstronaut

    3 weeks in and the day that I thought things would get easier was the hardest day I faced so far. I was on a fighting website (I watch a lot of mma) and there was a gallery of some of the ring girls and I found myself going there, realized I was heading down a wrong path and quickly closed it and added it to my blocked sites on K9. I'm not taking any chances and I know I'm still extremely vulnerable. No way have I even close to arrived. I need to keep fighting and stay strong. The battle still has many months but I will win and I will be a success story.

    Love you all, keep me in your prayers
  7. richardlessman

    richardlessman Fapstronaut

    Feeling a lot better today after a weekend that I got too close to the line. It's funny how I used to think that edging or looking at porn and not Masturbating was better than PMO. It really doesn't matter, they're all symptoms of this dopamine addiction and they all need to be cutoff entirely. We need to be able to recognize our weaknesses and when we even take 1 step down that direction that inevitable ends with PMO we've already taken 1 step too many.

    Never stop fighting guys,
  8. EverettSmith14

    EverettSmith14 Fapstronaut

    Great job Rman. Now you are seeing this for what it really is, a dopamine addiction, so all those lame excuses that seemed so sensible before fall apart. Anything that gives you a dopamine hit is porn. The only exception is with your wife. There, the dopamine and endorphins do what they were intended to do.....bond you to her. The same way climaxing in front a computer screen bonded you to a flat screen, sex with your wife will strengthen that bond with her...and her alone.

    You have found the piece of the puzzle you were missing. Now use it. Dopamine is your enemy...porn, in any form, is the weapons it uses. Keep going. You are in a good path. Keep going!

  9. richardlessman

    richardlessman Fapstronaut

    I keep getting stronger everyday. I love being able to see the future ahead and see it PMO free. Another day down, yesterday was an easy day. Right now I'm so busy for the next 21 days that I'll be at 6 weeks before I know it. Keep moving forward, keep pressing on. Never going back to that dopamine.
  10. EverettSmith14

    EverettSmith14 Fapstronaut

    Great progress!! Your brain is beginning to dry out from its dopamine bath. Keep going. Get ready for some complaints from the primitive brain that is starting to see you really mean it now. Be prepared. They are signs of great progress. Keep going!

  11. richardlessman

    richardlessman Fapstronaut

    Still staying strong! 24 days down, and continued progress. I have virtually no desire to PMO anymore. Hope this isn't a false hope but with everything locked down like it is I should be on my way to the 90 day mark no problem.

    Keep fighting guys!
  12. EverettSmith14

    EverettSmith14 Fapstronaut

    Excellent!! Keep going. Stay cautious. Keep going

  13. richardlessman

    richardlessman Fapstronaut

    I failed it was my fault and I'm taking responsibility for it. Such a shame to reset but I looked at some porn and I'm not going to make it into a small deal. I'm reseting my counter and going at it again.
  14. EverettSmith14

    EverettSmith14 Fapstronaut


    This is bullshit! You need to get your shit together!! Now! This is absolute bullshit! You are better than this!!!

    I wrote this to another guy here. He is resetting all the time. Maybe you need to read this and decide where your stand. Man up!!

    Hi Willy,

    So you failed! You "reset". So what are you looking for? Pity? It certainly is pitiful! You can't go a few days without looking at porn and pulling your pud! Yes that's pitiful . It should disgust you that you are so out of control of your life.

    Are you looking for forgiveness? How silly. You have wronged no one here. You may have waisted some of my time, but it's my choice to write here, not yours. You will get no forgiveness from me, I have not been wronged, so there is nothing to forgive. You have wronged yourself, your family, your friends. Instead of living with them in the real world, you hid behind a closed door, looked at pixels on a screen, lived in a fantasy and stroked your dick to orgasm as if it was some kind of real sex. You cheated them out of your most precious commodity , your time. Ask them for forgiveness.

    You want compassion? Are you in need of mercy and compassion? Are you in a situation where you cannot help yourself and need compassion? That would be the ultimate curse. Should we all just accept that you are beyond controlling yourself and just accept that you will spend the rest of your life out of control , dick in hand, never to have a real relationship? Never to know the freedom that self discipline brings. It's just too hard for you and we should let you wallow in your addiction ? No, you won't get that from me. I got past this and you can too. You simply choose not to. It's a choice.

    Perhaps you want company. That you can find here. Misery loves company. More precisely, misery loves miserable company. That you can find here. There are so many here that reset over and over and over again. Swearing each time in their posts that next time will be different. Swearing to the reader, but never to themselves. They fail, over and over again. To some this place has become a big piece of their social life. Login here, write about your struggle, interact with other addict, fail, reset, start again. It never ends. I see people write here who have been here for years!, yes years! And show a counter set in hours. This is simply their online confessional to make them feel better about their miserable lives. Is that you?

    You are currently so out of control, no one, no one can help you....except you! You must muster some self control and get some abstinence under your belt ( no pun intended). You must take the first step. You must struggle to the shallow end to have any hope of success. You must do this....or not!

    I have learned to dicipline my disappointments. It really doesn't matter to me. Some will, some won't .

    The bible tells a story of the early disciples . Jesus told them to go from town to town and teach. If they came to a town that would listen, stay and teach. But if they came to those who would not, to leave and wipe the dust from their shoes. And move onto the next town.

    It's like here, there are many here who will listen, who will muster what it takes, who really want the freedom. Too many who will to waste too much time with those who won't . Which group are you?

    It's your life. I am happy to help, if you will help yourself. If not, (shrug) it's your life, it's your choice. You got yourself here, probably by accident, but here your are. Deal with it!! Take charge of your life!!!!

    Last edited: Nov 21, 2014
  15. richardlessman

    richardlessman Fapstronaut


    I'm here! Thanks for you words I'm not going to quit man! I've been traveling a lot the last few weeks I've had a couple week moments but have not PMO'd since the incident. I'm not going to quit, I'm not giving up. I'm here, I'm on this side and I'm swearing to anyone but myself that I will never fall again. I have quit pornography, I have quit masturbation, all I ever want is the real thing.
  16. richardlessman

    richardlessman Fapstronaut

    Day 16

    Still fighting, and I'm not going anywhere. This was my biggest goal of 2014 to see this out of my life and 2015 is going to be a 100% free PMO year. Pornography is not reality, it's the complete opposite and it provides zero value to my life. I will not quit until I see 100% freedom and I'm looking forward to never having this as part of my life ever again.
  17. EverettSmith14

    EverettSmith14 Fapstronaut

    Hi Rman,

    Welcome back. I was a little worried. glad to see you are still strong. 15 days is a good start. Your head should beginning clearing. You may want to consider something......

    If you "peek" again, don't reset. I think some people do more damage to their progress by resetting over small infractions. I'm not saying excuse yourself or just PMO like the old days and pretend it never happened. I'm saying look at the big picture. What will help you more? A reset and a fall back to day 1? That can be both discouraging and enticing. Enticing because now if you really splurge you haven't really lost much in the way of abstainance. Think about it.

    Keep going! You must heal yourself here. And then get the hell out of here and get on with your real life.

    I know you can do this. You know you can do this. It will get easier.

  18. richardlessman

    richardlessman Fapstronaut

    Thanks Everett,

    Woke up this morning with a bit of an urge but no outlet because I've cut everything off so that urge left quickly. I'm feeling good, had a counseling session last night and am really just staying extremely busy. Thanks for everyones support. I came to a realization last night that I'm so entrenched in winning this fight that I'm either going to win or die trying. I could never be satisfied just PMOing again so why not just win?!

    Keep fighting guys!
  19. Mariachi

    Mariachi New Fapstronaut

    Hey Pals, I m new to this forum and would like to be a part of this brotherhood. I am starting with a 10 day no PMO from now. Small steps at first and then will increase the limits. In fact, i haven't watched P in the last 24 hrs and feel like i am starting on the right note.
    My 10 day PMO rules -
    1)No P
    2)No M
    3)No O
    4)No viewing images online and offline
    5)No Ogling
    6)No reading erotic stuff

    Let's see how it goes. Will keep posting everyday.

  20. EverettSmith14

    EverettSmith14 Fapstronaut

    Hi Mariachi,

    Good goals! You may want to start your own journal here is you haven't already.

    Let me know how it goes. Perhaps I can help....as long as your willing to help yourself
