
Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by kumarach, Oct 6, 2023.

  1. kumarach

    kumarach Fapstronaut

    another cause as to why i am a porn addict is my parents. I honestly hate them for just being there. they never understood me, never let me open up to them and whenever i made a mistake i was slapped and mocked for doing so.

    I just hate them honestly they never let me take my own decisions and were forcing things on me. i wish i had better parents who understood things related to my life. I would not have been an addict had they understood my loneliness.
    i would not be active on chatting apps searching for people to be close to.
    It's too late for them to make amends now but i hope someday they realize that they're wrong.
    fusion47 likes this.
  2. drac16

    drac16 Fapstronaut

    So you use pornography in order to stop the pain that you feel? I am just trying to understand you.
  3. Hi, I hope you had a chance to leave this situation. Get away from abusive people is the first step! Stay strong! ❤️
    fusion47 likes this.