Career Path help

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by StrongWolf, Dec 26, 2018.

  1. StrongWolf

    StrongWolf Fapstronaut


    I am a 26 year old male. Like many of you here, I am also on the NoFap Journey and have been trying to stick to it for the past 3 years.

    I would really appreciate some advice or direction pointers for what to do in my current life situation.

    My story is the following: I've had one passion since I was young: video games. I've managed to transform this passion at the age of ~19-20 years by taking some game design courses to become a game designer. I've then gotten a job an started working in the video game industry and have been for the past 5.5years. I've loved playing video games a lot and I also enjoyed making them. However, after so many years, this passion of mine died out. I can't exactly tell if this was a natural lose of the passion or I was also influenced by the things that the community of NoFap feels about video games in general: that they are time-wasters or a mix of both. In some aspects, I agree that many games can be time wasters, and I would like to contribute more to society than a time waster.

    Anyway, at my last job, the passion for making video games died out so much, that I couldn't take it anymore. I've also gotten sick of the corporate world. I decided to quit and move in with my parents for a few months to reevaluate my life and career paths that I should take forward.

    If I could make an analogy: it's like music and making music for a while, but then quitting, because I don't enjoy making it. I will still enjoy listening to music, I just don't feel like making music anymore.

    However, I'm not convinced that I want to work in the video game development industry anymore. I might still like playing them once in a while, but I don't feel like making them anymore, I just feel that it's a thing that no longer fullfills me.

    Now comes the tricky part: video games are the one and only true passion I've had in my life and now I've come to the conclusion that it's not something I want to pursue any further. How do I find my purpose, a new career?

    Now, I know what you will say: think about what other things you like, but I've already done this. Here are a bunch of things I'm interested in (some more than others):
    -nature (enjoy hikes)
    -sports (gym, runnning)
    -reading (self-help, psyihology)
    I don't really know what kind of job I can make out of these above.
    I would experiment with some new stuff to get a hang of what I like and what I don't, but I don't know where the fuck to start from? Should I go to a new college? Which one? I'm scared, angry & confused, really.

    That's about it, I feel kind of lost and useless right now, like I've missed a lot groundwork that I should've set by now in my life, and now I'm behind as fuck, while all other have theirs figured out (even though I know it's not exactly like that).

    If you guys could give me any pointers at all: books, sites, other sub-reddits, advice of your own that you think will help me, I would deeply appreciate it.
  2. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    I don't know if this is helpful, but there are several job options from your other interests - psychologist, therapist, personal coach (if you're interested in helping people work out their problems), gym instructor, gym teacher, etc.
  3. 1 Tes. 4:3

    1 Tes. 4:3 Fapstronaut

    You could consider being a fitness/nature/self-help blogger or youtuber. I have seen successful youtubers/coaches that also do self-help like Elliott Hulse, and others that mix nature and fitness (Mark from Mark's daily apple for example).

    I am a part time fitness blogger myself, and it is quite a fulfilling thing (you help people that ask you for advice once you gain some popularity).
  4. StrongWolf

    StrongWolf Fapstronaut

    I like fitness, but I'm struggling myself at it. I don't want to be spending 8 hours in the gym helping others. Nor do I want to become a self-help coach. I know I might sound pretentious, but these just aren't things I would even enjoy trying out.
  5. Mattsfreedom

    Mattsfreedom Fapstronaut

    There are careers in trail building, Park rangers, and lots of other careers in national and state parks.
    1 Tes. 4:3 likes this.