can I kick it (yes you can)

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by fappucino, Oct 23, 2013.

  1. fappucino

    fappucino Fapstronaut

    I'm in the end of my thirties, have been doing the P thing on and off (but more on than off I guess) several times per week to multiple times per day for almost half my life. The amount of wasted time is one bad thing, but the most important thing is my significant other is really hurt by this. I have tried quitting countless times, but never with the Nofap community (or any other). Want to prove to myself I can do without and be an honest & decent guy, especially to the misses. But I expect to need you guys to keep motivated!

    I have made it a couple of weeks previously, so now going for the 90 days, hopefully extending indefinately. Will be celebrating 1 week and 1 month as well.

    Main aim is to kick P, but to do so I and not get carried away in the moment I also plan to refrain from M/O in 'solo mode'. Therefore the double counter in my sig.
  2. tenthyoung

    tenthyoung Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the movement man! I respect that you're doing this for your girlfriend, it'll mean a lot to her. We're rooting for you, man!
  3. Erling

    Erling Fapstronaut

    As a fellow noob, I welcome you as well! You got all my support in reaching your goal!