Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Future role model, Apr 6, 2018.

How often do you read books?

  1. All the time

    62 vote(s)
  2. Often

    110 vote(s)
  3. Rarely

    37 vote(s)
  4. I don't read at all

    5 vote(s)
  1. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut

    I picked up a really cheesy piece of trash today by a cheesy couple, Janet Bray Attwood & Chris Attwood. Your Hidden Riches. Now I don't mean to slander and bite away at someone's reputation (this is NoFap FFS, do you think we are concerned about maintaining a public image on this forum? If you are not anonymous ask yourself if you know what you are doing on here please...) but this book is pure fuggin' cheese. Scanned all of one or two pages before I gave it away. I purchased it thinking it might actually be valuable, good thing it was used and came with a whole bunch of other books. I used to buy new books but like I will only do that now if I know something is worthy of reading more than once.

    Anyways ya, started reading Helen Keller's The Story of My Life. Video is kind of creepy but Helen was super insightful,

  2. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut

    I am now reading LOTR. Almost done with The Fellowship of the Ring!!

    Makes me want to see the film soooo much. I saw it in the theater in Phoenix I remember now as a kid.
  3. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut

    Not I.

    Don't plan on it either but I don't deny they are great books. Not sure about the greatest, kind of biased there.
    Future role model likes this.
  4. lolos

    lolos Fapstronaut

    Anyone read Daniel Levitin's most recent books? what did you think of them?
    Future role model likes this.
  5. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    oh man!!! I love the thought of me reading a book!
    Reading a book is a so Great!!! It can entertain you, educate you at nominal cost! Away from the BS on tv!
    I've read some books in the past 2 years...Well Being (the 5 essential elements), PEAK, the reverent, Into the Wild, Martian....
    Its such a great feeling!
    I tried to complete Harry potter book 1 (I know its lame that I'm trying to read it at age 28 lol) and 12 rules for life....But the problem is I take forever to read a book!
    But sometimes I read several pages and day...and not read a page for several months...
    thats why! I decided to go for 1 chapter a day! (fuck it, i already jinxed myself)
    I had a goal of completing reading 12 rules for life by then end of this month, but I don't see that happening, considering the fact that I've just completed the last few pages of the 5th chapter yest!

    The whole point of this find an accountability partner with regard to reading!!! Any 1 interested?
    Future role model likes this.
  6. This is great idea. I think it would be even better if APs were reading the same book at a time, so they can discuss about it.

    I have to read Hamlet for school, the lady from the library told me it's boring. Luckily it's not too long, I will finish it in less than 2 days for sure.
    I've also got "Gates of Fire" by Steven Pressfield. I'm done with self help books and looking forward to read many great novels like this one.
  7. lolos

    lolos Fapstronaut

    Lol I have the same problem of reading heaps then not reading at all. I did the same with 12 rules, stopped reading at chapter 6 despite enjoying. I think the solution is just to be consistent. You might have heard of the first south pole explorers and the idea of a 20 mile march. One party would trek 15-20 miles everyday, regardless of weather or hunger or anything. The other party would take advantage of good days, trekking 30 miles on clear days but trekking none or very little on bad days. The second party died of starvation, but the men from the first party actually gained weight from the trip. I think the trick to reading, as with any other habit, is to treat it like the 20 mile march. You have to get in that 15 minutes (or whatever amount of time you want), regardless of how tired or busy to are.

    More on the explorers:

    hope this helps brother
  8. ? ? ?

    ? ? ? Fapstronaut

    " Every Man's Battle " By : Stephen Arterburn
  9. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut

    Current reading schedule:

    Finish The Fellowship and begin The Two Towers. Read Original Tao alongside this.

    Will report back when I am finishing The Return of the King and beginning Dune. If this happens.
    Future role model likes this.
  10. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut

    Future role model likes this.
  11. "Gates of Fire" is soooo good! I missed reading a good novel because of all that self-help junk. But because of school I will have to pause with reading it and instead read some book that right now I don't even know name of, and write an essay about the way that book looks at the religion... Thank you school!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. titkata92

    titkata92 Fapstronaut

    Napoleon Hill - THINK AND GROW RICH most important book for all nofappers.
    Future role model likes this.
  13. It depends on your religion. His concept is against Christianity.
    Woodcutter74 likes this.
  14. Future role model likes this.
  15. Taxx Emmer

    Taxx Emmer Fapstronaut

    Ever try Unbroken, by Laura Hillenbrand, or In My Hands: Memories of a Holocaust Rescuer, by Irene Gut Opdyke? Incredible stories.
    Future role model likes this.
  16. CBook

    CBook Fapstronaut

    In what way? I've not read it yet but it's on the list. Would be interesting to hear your thought.
  17. maxmayer

    maxmayer Fapstronaut

    I am reading "Arch of Triumph". Maybe translation is not correct, but it does not matter. Read it if you can, wou will be enjoying during reading proccess
    Contentful T likes this.
  18. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut

    Bros I gave up on The Two Towers.

    Like LOTR is HARDCORE FANTASY I am warning you. I mean like you need to be a fantasy nerd to crave that shit. Not for the uninitiated.

    I just don't love fantasy that much to read it I guess. Like finishing The Fellowship of the Ring was a chore.
  19. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut