becoming a live-in slave

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Round Robin, May 22, 2018.

  1. Round Robin

    Round Robin Fapstronaut

    Link me to a thread where someone who has had pre-porn femdom has gotten over it and i'll salute you. In regards to your comments about willpower, if that's that was needed to get over an addiction then everyone would be cured. I'll explain, an addict has a addiction and decides he wants to quit, using what? His brain? the thing that got him into the addiction and is now addicted? I wish it was all about willpower but i think there's more too it, or maybe i'm just not using enough willpower, eitherway you calling me a pathetic, not a real man, without natural selection but i've just looked at your threads and seen you wanting to see an escort, i feel sorry for you
  2. Round Robin

    Round Robin Fapstronaut

    if it's so easy why are you on this forum? And why do you have threads about struggling with going to see escorts?? You're like a drug addict shaming another who's an acoholic? You must really have some pent up frustration, i'm sorry that you feel that way.
  3. MasterRoshi

    MasterRoshi Fapstronaut

    Hi dude, hang in there! This disease is strong.

    Just remember, we can’t wish this away. If we were capable of stopping on our own, we would, and this website would be one small sentence on a home page that would read “step 1. Stop and you’re done”

    We need to take some steps to combat this disease. I fought for 10 years trying to quit, and it seems only when I did some specific things was I able to stay sober and (for now) lose the compulsion and mental cravings.

    I’m here for you if you need. Send me a PM and we can chat more about wha to have been doing to stay sober.

    P.s. I’m very familiar with online degradation and being forced to do things that later harm myself and others... so I can relate to your struggle.
    Arms.R.heavy likes this.
  4. MasterRoshi

    MasterRoshi Fapstronaut

    Holy crap this thread got rude quickly....

    We have a disease!!! Some of us in here don’t have a problem, and just want to stop jerking Off cuz they’re bored and wanna challenge themselves with something....but many of us are real sex addicts (which as of recently is now recognized as a real disease.)...

    So best to be supportive and helpful when possible because the degradation and self loathing caused by this disease can lead to suicide for example... so please proceed with love and compassion when ever possible

    There is no easy way to kill a fetish. That’s why we’re here. If it was easy we would just do it... it requires effort. And very specific action. I wish it wasn’t this way, but it is.

    I spent many many many days as an online gay slave. I was forced to do horrid things like drive around naked masturbating, lick a toilet seat in public restroom, urinate on my face in the bathroom at work, do anal insertion that possibly has slightly damaged my rectum and a few other things which I won’t mention in public forum.

    Along with this fetish I also had other very horrible fetishes that we can talk about in private as well.

    YOURE NOT ALONE!!! And there is hope for recovery. You might not like the recovery path, you might be scared of it or you might embrace it and find the relief is worth the hard work. I hope for the ladder cuz this disease is the worst!
  5. MasterRoshi

    MasterRoshi Fapstronaut

    Dude stop.... there’s no place in this forum for attitudes like this....

    Btw where’s your day counter? You doing ok?? How’s sobriety going for you?

    We’re here to help each other not put each other down. This is a hopeless disease. And to further add to someone’s misery is simply bad form...
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2018
  6. Round Robin

    Round Robin Fapstronaut

    I have the urge to hit rock bottom before i want to change, and i know what to do -more depraved acts things that are irreversible like scat/blackmail etc.. I don't know why its just i feel like if i don't hit rock bottom I can't change, anyone else feel this way?
  7. MasterRoshi

    MasterRoshi Fapstronaut

    Yes and no.

    Yes, because I couldn’t stop and didn’t know how and thought maybe I needed to do more before I was done.

    No, because there’s always another level to this disease and the end is jail and/or death. So a bottom can always go deeper.

    Better to quite when you’re done not when your disease is done.
    graham55 likes this.
  8. uoma

    uoma Fapstronaut

    zaba99 likes this.
  9. Jackb97

    Jackb97 Fapstronaut

    Bruh that's the dark arts right there.:emoji_bust_in_silhouette:
  10. Zed94

    Zed94 Fapstronaut

    Héyyy Dude , this is dope !!! like seriously what you have said is 100% right , when i was kid and i was watching tv shows and i see hot rich womens , i thought i am not enough and that my only way to be close to that beauty is to be her servant/slave and then maybe something sexual will happen ...

    BUT , what is your explanation for foot-fetish ? i see it like like a separate thing , since i have heard that a lot of peoples have it but are not into femdom ...

    do you think that foot-fetish also a result of low-self-esteem ?
    Foot-fetish now is the missing part of the puzzle to understand everything !!!
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2018
  11. Round Robin

    Round Robin Fapstronaut

  12. Stay Strong Brother!
    We're all here to help and support you :)
  13. Arms.R.heavy

    Arms.R.heavy Fapstronaut

    I wanted to share a quote from the book Your Brain On Porn, someone suffering from the same thing as you are :
  14. MasterRoshi

    MasterRoshi Fapstronaut

    Thanks for this! It gives me hope that I can normalize, with PMO but also with other unhealthy habits that have been formed in my life
    Arms.R.heavy likes this.
  15. Zed94

    Zed94 Fapstronaut

    I think i have some tips can helps but i need you to answer some question so i know if this can apply to you ;)
    -how often do you go to night clubs and bars ?
    -how old are you ?
    -how is you physics ? ( do you have any big insecurity like height or weight ... )
    -what do you do are you studying or working ?
  16. Round Robin

    Round Robin Fapstronaut


    Nightclubs and bars once/twice a week depending on if i lapse then I'll usually skip it the weeks i fall into binge.

    how old am i? 22

    No real big insecurities I'm quite fit athletic train 3x a week, when I'm not lapsing. Used to be insecure about my feet which is surprising considering i have a foot fetish.

    finished an engineering degree have been working in a bar as a bartender for the last year or so

    anddd i lapsed last night
  17. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    I have struggled with this for so long and now have hit 14days. I think journaling every thought that leads to a relapse is very important to help understand what is going on.

    Why do you want to be broken and suicidal? Why do you pay women to make you feel so bad about yourself?

    Is it because you already feel bad about yourself and if someone does it for you, you no longer have the responsibility of causing the bad feelings, but can blame it on someone else? But when they stop, you feel responsible again and have to find someone to take away the feelings of responsibility again by being harsher and more distracting?

    Can you see that this will only end in your suicide, that is the rock bottom you should avoid at all costs
  18. Zed94

    Zed94 Fapstronaut

    I am surprised ! i thought you are nerdy or insecure and don't go out a lot !

    - Since you go to the night clubs weekly , i want you every single night out to focus on girls there and think between yourself , why should i be slave to those girls ? like wtf ? why should be slave to some stupid hoes ? while i can easily take here home and fk her ? do you know that if you become slave to a girl you will pass you week end in a cage while she is partying? really? No one deserve to be a slave to anyone !!!
    ( just try to play with your mind you will discover how stupid being submissive )

    1) If you take a deep look you will find that 95% of females are submissive !
    2) Think about you parents , like they put all efforts on you so at the end you end-up under some stupid girl feet ?
    3)1000% of this fetish if caused by low-self-esteem , i have heard about a book called " six pillars of self esteem " i didn't read it yet but i am sure that if will help you
    4) Try to separate foot-fetish from Femdom,you can lick girls feet while you fcking them without beeing her slave !

    I am still fighting and not 100% over it , but this time when i did this i feel that i don't like this shit like before ...
    graham55 likes this.

    STAR DUST Fapstronaut

    Dude you need help
    Roady likes this.
  20. Round Robin

    Round Robin Fapstronaut


    Logically i dont have really have self-esteem issues, but on a emotional level i think i do. I feel like i'm "being put in my place" where i belong " being broken", logically it sounds stupid, but emotionally thats what im chasing. And Day 0 .