Avenging Honor (Motivational)

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by S777, Jan 16, 2017.

Who here will fight to avenge their honor!

  1. Yes!

    0 vote(s)
  2. Hell yes!

  1. S777

    S777 Fapstronaut

    I myself have been observing the site from the shadows for a small bit of time now. I was sober for over a year thanks to my motivation to quit. Got rejected by a crush, and relapsed. I have been fighting for my freedom every day, ever since. Although, it's only been these past few months that I started keeping score with a day counter to track any progress. Me being a very self reflective person, I had a thought.

    Someone that we once took for granted (me especially), has been murdered. Their name was honor. Though I cannot exactly recollect when exactly their death had occurred, I'll be damned if I let them die in vain. What we go through is absolute hell, the very fact that anyone is here on this site proves that we are all still fighting! We are not like the ones who threw in the towel early, the ones who decided "oh, it's not so bad", NO. If we are all suffering through this hell together, remember that this thing we fight is stuck in hell with us to, and that it has every reason to be scared of us. It does not matter how long ago Honor may have died, what matters is that we have a choice to avenge it!