Attracting the Ladies

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Tigerdude, Apr 16, 2024.

  1. Tigerdude

    Tigerdude Fapstronaut

    I've made a list of places in my area I can go to to try putting myself out there when it comes to finding a future girlfriend. I went to one of them this morning.

    But in the past, all I've had are unrequited crushes. So I need to be the one attracting the Ladies.

    Do you have advice on how to attract the girls?
  2. KevinesKay

    KevinesKay Fapstronaut

    Start reading books and watch videos on how to be successful with women.

    You'll find some common characteristics of the kind of men women prefer to date.

    I've learned that it's not so much what I do to get women to find me desirable, but rather, who I am.

    Because many women like men that exhibit strength, confidence, ambition, and masculinity. Men that have a sense of purpose in their life; a purpose that doesn't include attracting lots of women. Men that they can look up to and admire. Men that can take the lead.

    So if you're not someone that has a lot going for you right now. If you lack ambition, don't have a good job, not very sociable, come off as needy or desperate, many women will sniff that out and will reject you. You can do and say all the right things to them, but if you fail to work on yourself to be the best version of yourself, then many women won't find you desirable.
    SirQwerty and Mob Barley like this.
  3. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    Tape a few $100 bills to your pants.
  4. andyl

    andyl Fapstronaut

    I need more details on what you like and I can offer some advice maybe - dm me? Andy